This Guy Is the Coolest Guy Ever


  1. What he did was much harder that singing in an a capella group. He had no point of reference, he couldn’t tune himself off the three other parts; he recorded himself, alone, 4 times, with no people to lean on musically (except maybe some kind of silent metronome and a starting note). That is really hard (I tried it myself with a simpler four-part song, it just wouldn’t align perfectly).
    Further, he has an incredible voice range and an excellent wookie imitation. Corey Vidal=Musical Badass.

  2. Ummm…no dino rocket launchers. No righteous anger. No guns. Just one gayzor white boy singing acappella in a four way self circle jerk.
    Frank, lay off the kumbaya koolaid, or soon you will be posting NYC type Liza cross dressers doing show tunes.:P

  3. I love seeing headlines like “How Obama Can Fix the Economy”.

    Like – if the economy Could be fixed it would be fixed by now. What do these people think? Bush’s cabinet sitting around going ‘Eh.. We don’t want to fix it yet’.

    Not only are people working overtime in the US to fix it, people are working all over the world in countries whose economies are not totally supported by light sweet crude oil, trying to fix it.

    Worse yet, it’s some CNN commentator with a brain fart. “Oh, I know what to do!”.

    Drives me right outta my freakin mind.

    Worse yet, when “time” fixes it, the media will give the credit to the Obama.

    It’s just embarrassing and depressing to be living in the same country with so many stupid morons.

  4. Pingback: Wow. « Chiefly Musing

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