Keep Poking the Tiger with a Sharp Stick and See What Happens

So is the point of the Palestinians to see how much you can push a civilized nation until it finally just flips out and kills everyone who even looks at it funny? Can you imagine in any other era a smaller weaker group pointlessly attacking a stronger one and not getting wiped out? We all know how this is going to end, and though the whole world will condemn Israel — U.S. included — no one is going to do anything about it in the end. If the headline writers wanted to be more accurate, the stories about the current conflict would be entitled “Israeli warplanes continue strikes on Gaza, millions spared”.


  1. its about time they get wiped out like so many anthills under a garden hose. since 1948 they have been whining about THEIR OWN failure to get it together and form their own country. sorry Israel got their proverbial ducks in a row in a big way and now they have the guns. Reasonable people tend to give respect that is due when they are looking down the barrel, these ‘radical’ Palestinians seem to have run out of buckets for their heads and are trying to get them stuck other places.

  2. But the Arab streets will be inflamed! But Iran will be upset! But we will destroy the Peace Process! But this will setback Arab – Jewish relation…(SMACK)…sorry…I’ve been brain washed by the MSM for so many years that I had to slap myself…I’m back. Blast Away Israel!

  3. I, for one, condemn Israel. For not wiping out those millions.

    Seriously, they had a chance to make things better in 1982, but they stopped and let the PLO leave Lebanon, rather than finishing the job.

    This all could have been over by now.

  4. The whole world condemns Israel whether Israel kills terrorists or not. Israel might as well kill the terrorists. I really wish that the USA was as serious about its security and survival as Israel. Even if I didn’t support Israel, I’d have to admire it for being serious.

  5. There is a great story about the Yom Kippur war, when the Israelis shook off the surprise attack, began pushing the Arab armies back and eventually had the Egyptian army surrounded in the Sinai, and were debating whether to annihilate the Egyptians. The Soviet Union signaled that they would not allow that to happen, and threatened to attack Israel if they moved on the Egyptians. Israel signaled right back that if the Soviet Union attacked, Israel would destroy Moscow and other Soviet cities with nuclear weapons. They had planes ready to go, and they just looked the Russian bear in the eye and spit at him. The Russians and US leadership were shocked, and it was the first tacit admission by the Israelis that they had plenty of nukes to go around…and that they would use them under the threat of national annihilation.

    Israel has fought wars against overwhelming odds in 1947, 1956, 1967, & 1973. They creamed Syria in the early 80’s when they were feeling puckish and launched all-out air attacks on Israel….knocking out something like 150 Mig’s with a loss of one Israeli jet. It was the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union, revealing just how superior US military hardware (with special Israeli upgrades) was compared to the Soviet crap.

    We have let Israel hold the fort against the insane hordes for decades, and we are now too cowed by Arab propoganda and oil to stand up for the one true ally we have in the region. It’s shameful….

    Don’t mess with Israel…they know how to fight and in the end (the final push for ‘extermination’), they have nothing to lose.

  6. I have to say, I am also disappointed in our lack of support for Israel. I mean, aren’t they pretty much just a group of people trying to survive while the Arab world wants them dead for not being Muslim? That, no matter what, is reason enough for us to start helping them beat ass on those throwing rocks their way.

  7. True, we do know how this will end. In another meaningless truce or cease fire. Enraged moralists will scream, the Arab Street will ignite, the dead will be disposed of. Gaza will be worse off.

    It is not today some bombing or rocketing today that will matter. 2009 and beyond matter.

    It is not in the interest of Israel’s enemies to act just now. In three weeks Obama will be President. Then a real attack on Israel can be mounted.

    Attacks will be led by Iran and Syria as well as the Hezbollah in Lebanon. It is problematic if the Egyptian government will withstand the political and public pressure to join in. And Islamic nations from farther away will supply varying amounts of men and material but probably not formal military units.

    Obama will have to decide if Israel is to survive. It cannot last forever without our firm support, or that of another major power. Spirit and skill count but they are not all. The fundamentals of population and size and resources are against Israel.

    I personally think Obama will look the other way and offer them no help. As CIC he can keep our military totally inert if full war breaks out. And with the Democratic congress and the present media he need not fear dissent.

    The other powers will stay uninvolved too, and Israel will be gone, not in a day or month, but within a few years.

  8. In an extremity, the obamassiah would have to act to save Israel. Doing so would be against the wishes of his base and his own principles, but he and the democrat party leadership would understand that failing to preserve Israel would cost the democrat party every election into the forseeable future, due a reaction of the collective conscience of the American people.

  9. not to mention that the Jewish majority all vote Democrat per polls – I always wondered why that is?
    They are the first to duck and cover or run – seems like Israel would side up with those that would actually help protect them
    “Them Thar Bible Thumpin’ Gun Totin’ Conservatives, clinging to their religion & guns”

  10. Well, I think when this whole thing started, it was a matter of the palestinians being unable to believe that all the nations of the muslim world couldn’t wipe out this flyspeck of a country. So they were trying to reprovoke war to finally have their “solution” to the isreali problem. Just a hunch.

    so to find people stupid enough to blow themselves up for this cause, they invented the concept of the 72 virgins and so on.

    And now? now i suspect it is a case of people believing their own propoganda. so, long term, they have fallen in love with death.

    That’s my theory, anyway, fwiw.

  11. So the Arab world will be enraged? What the hell are they NOW? Chipper? Perky?

    I can’t believe Israel waited this long.

    I can’t believe the depravity of the MSM covering this. How many of those morons could even find Israel on a map?

    I can’t believe the garbage being taught in our union controlled public schools about Israel.

    Let me be sure I understand the libtard position this. If some thug breaks into my house tonight rather than shoot him, I should attempt a reasonable dialog, ask for a cease fire & deed my house over to him? Is that about right?

  12. Just settle down folks! In just a few short days Hillary shall take over the reigns of the nation’s foreign policy. Once in office she shall form a team of delegates to send to Israel comprised of Madeline Albright and Janet Reno. They shall fly to Israel and carry Hillary’s new peace plan to the leaders of the Jewish and Arab states. Both Jewish and Arab leaders look on in horror as these two emerge from the flight and at this point US, Israeli and Arab relationships begin a new phase…

  13. Hah! I’ve always said those stupid savages who goof themselves for Allah do NOT get 72 shapely black eyed virgins. They instead find themselves spending eternity watching an endless loop of “girl on girl” action starring Hillary & Janet Reno.

  14. So, it all comes back to Hillary’s fondness for controlling strong tanked women like Madeline “Face-that-kills” Albright and Janet “Pistol-hips” Reno? Or will she employ a cadre of beta males who are permanently bent over in thigh-crushing servitude?

    I realize that you nominated me, ussjc, but I would like to nominate you as Under Secretary of State to Hillary Clinton simply because you understand her so well!!

  15. Jimmy, George, et al. Your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps Israel would Iran and Syria. Perhaps O would feel pressed to help Israel.

    I have no special insight into Obama and what he may do. What he says does not sound assuring, on the few occasions it is clear.

    Many scenarios can be imagined. Israel might be starved out if the Muslim nations ever succeed in turning enough world opinion against them. Israel absolutely needs trade. The EU across the Mediterranean is their natural trading partner. Of course the surrounding Arabs are natural partners too, but there won’t be much commerce with them.

    Or Israel might be beaten militarily, either quickly or slowly. Populations change and age. Zeal erodes. Friends vanish. Your enemies may become stronger, or not. They may learn from their setbacks, or not.

    My main concern is not Israel itself. But what happens there is likely to determine US posture in the world for a long time. If we do not help Israel it would embolden North Korea, Russia, Iran, China, and Chavez in Venezuela among others. It would dishearten those in the EU who still want to stand with us. Which friends in the struggling Iraq democracy will not lose heart if we slink away? Who in S. Korea would then believe our commitment? Or in Taiwan? Or those trying to stabilize Central Asia, or the big democracy of India?

    Will Columbia keep trying to suppress drugs, maintain a sane society, oppose FARC and Chavez when we reject their trade treaty?

    Obama could destroy our credibility with allies in a moment. All he has to do is treat them just like our enemies. Jimmy Carter can tutor him the details of that policy.

  16. Israel is dealing with its Gaza flank in preparation for having to deal with its other flank Hezbolla.

    It has to clean house now because there isn’t much time left before Obamallery makes it very hard for Israel to save itself from Iran.

    So it’s really the American voter’s fault this is happening now.

  17. Israel can’t nuke Gaza, their country is too small to detonate nukes inside their border.

    I have a better idea. Israel needs to add the Mexicannon (, planes, trains, and automobiles to their arsenal. Each time Hamas launches a rocket or mortar, Israel should grab the first 100 Palestinians they find and summarily revoke their citizenship and deport them to Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, et al. Yeah I know, they might just sneak back into their self-imposed martyrdom of living in a democracy. But…. if they knew sneaking back into Israel and getting caught meant a 10 year jail term, they might decide to stay out. This is a “win-win” plan for Israel. Not only do they get to keep blowing up terrorist, but they also get to deport the @#$%^$# people that voted in a terrorist government.

    BTW, I hate the invented PC term “Palestinian”. There were no “Palestinians” before Israel came into being. I prefer to think of them as stupid, lazy Jordanians/Syrians/Egyptians. I say stupid and lazy, because they could have moved less than 50 miles and lived in countries with identical genealogy, language, customs, climate, etc. Or they could have stayed where they were and assimilated into a free democratic society. Instead, they chose to give up their nomadic way of life for a chance to kill Jews over land that no arab has cared about for centuries.

  18. I heard today that some Hamas spokesman declared Sharia (did I spell that right?) law in the Gaza strip, and that they will punish anti-muslim, anti-Hamas speech or action with crucifiction.

    I suspect this is to discourage those in the Gaza strip who Aren’t radical supporters from doing anything that might make the Israeli’s job easier.
    Things like painting arrows on the roofs of their houses pointing towards whatever building the Hamas terrorists are hiding in, maybe?

  19. I understand that Frank J is being sent to Israel as we type to retrofit the MexiCannon to a PalistiniaCannon which Israel shall use once it invades Gaza to remove any remaining “hostiles”. Ticket sales for the first firings are brisk it is being reported! Frank J is up for Israel’s highest military award…or the Mossaad will take him to an “undisclosed location” and do some “memory losing lessons” involving pants around the ankles on him…

  20. Both sides have screwed up in the overall situation (In this little flair up, the blame solely goes to Hamas). This could be fixed but sadly the “Arab world” doesn’t care enough to put pressure on the Palestinians. For the Arab world, Israel can do no right. So the Arab world response to this is public condemnation, and joint meetings that come up with even more useless joint statements.

    Every time there is a peace agreement or a plan for peace it’s the Palestinians that throw a monkey wrench in the whole process. Back in the late 90’s, President Clinton banged out a process to give the Palestinians their own country. We were minutes away from giving the mastermind of the Munich Olympic terrorist attack, Yasser Arafat, his own country. At the last second, Arafat says no. As soon as he dies, guess what the plan goes through. For this great break through, the Palestinians thank the Israelis by electing Hamas to lead their government.

    To fix this situation I think the Israelis need to look to their American friends and re use some of our tactics. Like the ones used in 1864 when we had a rebel force inside our territorial boundaries. The Israelis should take their Mercava tanks and drive to the Mediterranean, burning everything in their path. They may hate Israel, but at least we haven’t had flair up in 150 years and counting.

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