You know the guy who put up the video challenging the Koran? This may be shocking, but he’s gotten violent threats.
How can people be that immune to irony?
NORMAL PERSON: Islam is a crazy, violent religion.
CRAZY MUSLIM: How dare you say that, infidel! I will use my crazy violence against you!
If those Muslims were a bit more self-aware, they should respond thusly:
NORMAL PERSON: Islam is a crazy, violent religion.
CRAZY MUSLIM: While that is true, I don’t like your tone of voice and will behead you for it.
See. Seems a lot less stupid and crazy there.
How dare you insult my religion, you insolent dog, by implying that it is violent. Prepare to die by a thousand cuts, you bloodsucking american imperialist dog.
Right now, I am trying to decide which of my children to send out with the suicide belt, and then Allah have mercy on your soul, or the souls of all the people who have nothing to do with your post, and have never read your blog, who shall die in the blast. That shall teach you to oppress you jooh loving son of a whore.
Boy those crazy Muslims, I hope none of them threaten you Frank.
Crazy, stupid, and Islam – they go together like peanut butter and jelly…and something incredibly primitive and bloodthirsty that goes well with peanut butter and jelly.
But he clearly said he is NOT portraying Muhammad. Come on, guys, can’t you read a disclaimer?
It would be fun if IMAO sponsored a cartoon contest depicting Muhammed? It would tear down the cultural walls that separate us by “reaching out through humor”?
Allllll we are sayyying is give Islammm a chance….. Or weeee will beeeehead you and your corpse romannnnce
Hey Salman Rushdie is still alive and kicking it around, so maybe all them CrazyMuslim™s are powerful only in their own towel-clad heads. At least we can hope™.
Hey CrazyMuslims™ — how can we miss you if you won’t go away?
And Google Ads completely misses the point again as well as the Muslims… There is a Muslim Online Dating Site ad on this article. Hash!
Oooooh young man, You are so gonna get a Fatwa when your Mullah gets home!
Islam is God’s way of showing the rest of us He has a sense of humor, but shows practical jokes can easily go awry no matter how divinely they’re planned….or who plans them. – where you can meet the “man” who will beat you and keep your children ignorant while blaming your self-induced misfortunes on the Juice….
On the bright side, they have to pay Frank when we click on the ad!
ISLAM is a religion of PEACE, convert to Islam or we will put you at peace.
Yeah Frank, shocking… if you’re I.Q. is in the 40-55 range.
If these barbarians in leisure suits ever discover that Allah is just another alias for Satan, then maybe the violence would stop.
Winston Churchill had a great quote:
Oh, and ROPMA!
proud to be an infidel
Not every muslim is a terrorist but every terrorist is a muslim… or cathlic if they are Basque or Friking Irish.
Ok so not every muslim, or catholic is a terroist but every terrorist is Muslim, or catholic.. Or a drunken, Neo Natzi, hick form Oklahoma like McVay.
Let’s try this again.. Not every muslim, Catholic, Okie from Okalahoma, is a terrorist but every terrorist is a muslim, catholic, or an okie.. or a former soldier with a high powered riffle and a clear line of sight like the DC sniper…
Not every muslim, catholic, okie, soldier is a terroist but every terrorist is a muslim, catholic, okie, or a soldier… or a teenager with puberty issues and a glock like that kid from Virginia Tech. Aww screw it.
A true news headline would read something “Muslims React Peacefully To Criticism Of Islam”. That would be news and would probably run the same day as other unlikely headlines such as ‘Hamas Embraces Israel’s Right to Exist’ or ‘Obama Releases Birth Certificate And College Records’
Gotta love the ads we get on posts like this. I too am seeing “The International muslim Matrimonial Site!”, If my wife was muslim, would it be racist for me to pat her down for explosives every time we hugged? (Yes, I did it on purpose)
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But behind every cloud, as they say…
Islamic fanaticism is indeed a threat, but the UP side of this is that religious fanaticism of any kind undermines the military discipline necessary to prevail in any armed, large scale confrontation. Cold comfort, I know, but when the chips come down and millions of practitioners of the Religion of Pieces find themselves unable to detonate their explosive belts while being vaporized, the Juedeo-Christian West will prevail. Naturally, a proportion of confused Western citizens (your kids in university, maybe?) may find themselves being vaporized along with them. THIS will be the real victory for Western Civilization. One MUST face the possibility that one’s own children may have been lobotomized by “university elites” and have become part of the “problem”. Unless, of course, they are proud young American Jews. The latter are FAR, FAR more likely to remain on the side of “civilization”. Islamic barbarity is actually limited to Muslim populations, academic elites and sell-out careerist politicians. Mercifully, America has a legacy of political assassinations that can – and like will – be remembered and revived on an “as needed” basis. Sometimes it is necessary to kill in order to live. That time is not far away.
By their fruit shall ye know them……….. or if it looks like a terrorist, acts like a terrorist, talks like a terrorist and smell like a dead, wet goat…… must be PETA.
“Now it is very right to rebuke our own race or religion for falling short of our own standards and ideals. But it is absurd to pretend that they fell lower than the other races and religions that professed to very opposite standards and ideals. There is a very real sense in which the Christian is worse than the heathen, the Spaniard worse than the Red Indian, or even the Roman potentially worse than the Carthaginian. But there is only one sense in which he is worse; and that is not in being positively worse. The Christian is only worse because it is his business to be better.”
G.K. Chesterton, The Everlasting Man.
To whom much has been given, much will be expected.
“Kill them all. God will know his own” has gone out of fashion since the 16th century, at least in those few remaining, backwards, primitive, increasing lonely corners of the world where Christianity still has the audacity to hope to influence public policy and international relations; despite the torrent of scorn that each attempt will predictably bring.
I suppose we could try to stir up trouble between the terrorists and the Chinese, let the Chinese wipe them out, and then try to convert the Chinese, but by that time we’ll probably need the Chinese to convert us.
Future generations may speak of “The Yellow Man’s Burden”; of how fearless missionaries from China spread the gospel to the heathen masses of Europe and North America, asking nothing more in return than favorable trade policies. access to our untouched natural resources and our cheerful, complacent and obedient labor.
Or we can wipe them out ourselves and repent later.