I heard on the radio the other morning that Vice President Joe Biden was coming to Boise to attend the Special Olympics, and for some reason it took my brain a little while to comprehend that sentence. At first, I thought they meant vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman, but eventually I remembered that Biden is now vice president. President Obama was never hard for me to accept, but for some reason VP Biden is just something I can’t wrap my brain around. And as someone who follows politics pretty closely, if it takes me a moment to remember who the vice president is, it seems like barely any of the general public will be able to name him at all.
Are you sure they said “attend” and not “compete in”?
Is Biden just attending or is he competing?
Ha ha. Great minds?
Wait…who’s VP?
Frank, BIDEN has a hard time wrapping his head around Biden. Not to mention wrapping his scalp with freshly combed Welcome mats.
a more appropriate title would be court jester since his primary role seems to be that of providing comic relief
Potential Media Headlines, if the Media Could Write Them:
Biden Biding, Abiding in Boise.
Boise Boys Bite Biden.
Boise Biden Bades Bait Bucket “Bye-ee!”
I can’t wait for Biden to tell the champion wheelchair basketball team to “Stand up and take a bow”
If he competes, whom will he blame when he loses?
If he competes, whom will he blame when he loses?
For as high of an office as vice president is, they sure don’t do a whole lot. So little, in fact, that even Joe don’t know (I seem to recall he blew the answer in the debates) Recalling the past couple dumocrat veeps, minimal job responsibilities are a good thing.
That’s his fiendishly clever plan: he can say something mind-numbingly stupid and no one will remember who said it.
You heartless reTHUGligans should be ashamed of yourselves! Making fun of the retarded . . . .
But seriously, Slow Joe is our best ally in this administration. He’s like a bull in B. “Who’s Sane?” O.’s china shop.
13. Spyndrilleum:
On the contrary; we’ve just paid the retarded the highest compliment…we’ve elected them all to Congress and the Presidency.
I doubt we’ll hear many more gaffes from Biden during the Golden Era. I think Barry has the Secret Service trailing him, tranquillizer darts at the ready. A shame, really, since I’m sure Joe’ll think up some kicking jokes about retarded 7-11 employees.
That would be funny if it weren’t true.
Your intelligence is only relative to those around you…Biden makes Obama look like a genious.
Biden wanted to complete but it was determined that he was too mentally handicapped for this event by the organizers. They instead have slotted him in for a special speech where they totally expect him to steal his lines from someone famous somewhere…
biden, will follow in the foot steps of his predessors algore the nutjob and that guy that carter had. Ole Joe will take up his 3 letter cause of J O B S, and his defense of young black articulate waffle servers.
Barry / Biden name a democrat and I’ll show you someone who munches on chin nuts.
THIS JUST IN!!! Most of the special olympics competition is being held just an hour away from my location so the Idaho news networks are updating events hourly. It is true, Biden will be in Idaho for the event. Results at this hour: Wednesday events
1. Snowball sack race (version of potato sack race)
#1. USA-Joe Biden
#2. Russia-Demolivek Yenkosh
#3. Irag- Hussein Ali Raed
2. Broom handle balancing (one hand)
#1 USA-Joe Biden
#2 Korea -Chin Chow
#3 Australia -Kimberly Rannin
3. Pin the tail on the Donkey
#1 United Kingdom- Evan Heath
#2 Poland-Leck Racznski
#3 USA (Disqualified) Joe Biden -(Contestant did not know which end of Ass was Up)
Biden is going to compete is speshul Orimpics and beatch slap the retards when they beat him at chess.
Biden is not allowed to compete in the special O because his mental HANDICAP is just to sever. Of course all liberals are band from the special O because they all try and get someone else to compete for them. Can you say NANNY STATE.
Biden is not eligible to participate. It’s called the Special Olympics, not the Totally Ignorant Retard Olympics. However, Obama might qualify, as his coconut head gives us the impression that he suffers from microcephaly.
Joe ‘Girded Loins’ Biden
is going there to fulfill the
usual Vice Pesident’s role
of throwing out the
traditional first potatoe.
Huh? I thought Michael Scott was vice president??…
Having listened to Joe Biden’s speech at the Special Olympics, contestants were left scratching their heads. Several commented “we thought we were retarded until we heard him”…
Hi, I’m Joe Biden and It’s a pleasure to be with you at this wonderful event. Boy I’m more nervous up here than a one legged man at an ass kicking contest. LOL! So…um…we’d like all the winners of the wheel chair race to stand and take a bow…err…
I thought there were two words you would never use together, http://www.imao.us/index.php/2008/12/two-words/. And no, I don’t care that it was one of your splits. It’s your blog, and you are responsible for all of the stupid crap here. Even the inane stuff we write in the comments. You are the one failing to provide us with Hellbender in a timely manner, and we shall whine annoyingly and nitpick without justification as much as we want!
Heh! Potatoe. 😉