Apparently Obama questioned whether his own grandma should have gotten a hip replacement given her age and condition. You might wonder why Obama thought so little of his own grandma, but remember she was a white person.
Anyway, the guy not sure about treating his own grandma is going to be the one decided on care for your loved ones. No worries.
Obviously, the won has forgotten/forsaken his white half but, inconveniently (and unfortunately for us) he’s the president of all Americans. The sooner someone hits him upside the (bucket)head with that fact, the better (maybe). Or, is he secretly ashamed of his (pinko) mom?!
Compassion and liberals don’t belong in the same sentence. Liberals think they have compassion but are really just racist, facist, sexist, jerks that think they know better than everyone.
From reading Obama’s biography, his grandmother’s care and tutelage is in large part responsible for his station in life – and this is how he repays her kindness?
What self-absorption.
He claims in the article that he would have paid for it out of his own pocket, so why didn’t he?
Honestly, I’m a little surprised he gave it any thought at all. She was just another old person, draining our resources, right Dear Leader?
His cracker grandmother was a white right winger (not nearly as far far far far left as he) therefore unworthy of compassion or care.
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“terminally ill” = she was about to rat him out for being an African/Indonesian or whatever the hell he is.
I actually agree with him…giving someone who’s 86 and really dying of cancer a hip replacement is RETARDED….
I assume since he claims “he would have paid for it…” that means he didn’t…which means the government did…
so…if she was just another typical white person who wasn’t related to some African guy running for president….
they wouldn’t have either… especially if she REALLY had cancer…hmmmmmm
Liberals aren’t smart enough to have compassion!
After throwing grandma under the bus so many times, he SHOULD have paid to get her fixed up.
Anyone know how good the health care is on Mars?
If you want to really get a riot started over the whole who dies and who gets the life saving treatment mention AIDS. Everybody talks about cancer and diabeties but I noticed today that NOBODY has mentioned that one.
To review, AIDS is a ‘lifestyle disease’ that is almost totally preventable, it aflicts mostly younger people and while incurable if very expensive drugs are taken life can be extended for decades. So if England is already cutting off tubbies it stands to reason that AIDS patients would go even faster to the front of the ‘hospice only’ line, right?
Ok, Dems tell us the answer? Do you propose to kill off a big chunk of one of your core identity groups (and piss off 100%) or admit that scarce health dollars will be allocated based on political clout? And which one of you clowns gets the job of explaining all this to the gays and the AARP?
Maybe someone interested in really feeding a troll should bring this subject up at Andrew Sullivan’s site. 🙂 K-A-B-O-O-M-!
Shucks, he’s just doing the responsible thing and throwing his grandma onto the icefloe.
If I was a mean, selfish, unfeeling, un-compassionate libtard I would say it’s too bad O’vomitcare wasn’t around when “the one’s” mother was pregnant. With the new improved abortion on demand (by the gob’ment) his mother wouldn’t have been punished with a child who may turn out to be the Original Anti-Christ. (that would be someone who fights against the things Christ taught-but that’s a topic for another day).
Ask ‘NotSure’, he’s from there.
That One doesn’t give a $#!+ about anyone. He’d let that harpy of a wife he has writhe for eternity if it got him more face-time on the networks… or some Mao collectibles perhaps.
To be fair and accurate, O-bah-muhh won’t be deciding on care for your loved ones. He will delegate that responsibility to H.H.S. Secretary Katherine Sebellius.
Hi! I’m from the government! Hey, have ya thought about how cool it would be to just die? That’d be cool! Oh no, I’m not some beauracrat motivated to save the government money, nooooooooo.
Let’s see…a government run program…the lefty democrats in charge…spineless whimpy Republicans with no stones to fight back…what possibly could go wrong?