New ACORN Sting Operations

In my latest Pajamas Media column, I detail some of the other sting operations O’Keefe and Giles tries with ACORN other than pimp and prostitute.


  1. The Sting – O’Keefe and Giles pretend to be a psychotic barber who likes to kill people and his business associate who makes meatpies from his victims.
    The Reaction The Acorn worker suggests discussing it in a back room and offers them a meatpie.

  2. I wonder if I could get help from ACORN for my secret lair project? I need an island, preferably shaped like a skull, but something in a Scary Evil Monkey face would be acceptable. Please advise soonest, since I can’t keep my plans for world domination on hold forever.

  3. Darnit, the puppy blender linked too soon.

    When he links a little later, the comments get rolling along and as they’re losing steam, we get an influx of the real geniuses who attack you for misspelling and claim you made it all up. “Oh that’s so stupid, nobody would mistake a chihuahua for a pit bull!!!1!”

  4. We have to understand the sheer stupidity of some of these folks on the left. A bunch of them think George Bush flew the planes into the twin towers himself and ejected at the last minute. Or giant magnets pulled the planes in. Many of the same group saw nothing wrong with Bill and Nonica. That combination of lack of morals and no brains… no wonder ACORN workers will fall for anything.

  5. ACORN was ignored during the Democratic primary, but they did so many outrageous things I don’t have time to list them. Mass media called Clinton’s supporters complaints about these things a lot of ‘whining’.

    Support Campaign Finance Reform. If you want REAL change, that is change we can believe in, that is the key. Obama was for it until Soros raised/gave him $200 million, then he dropped it. And did CNN etc report on that?? Campbell Brown report on that? Never.

    Obama’s connection to ACORN is long term and clear. Just because I call out Obama on all this does not make me a conservative republican or a racist. Those accusations on critics are cheap shots and just a way not to address serious concerns.

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