Random Thoughts

The economy should eventually improve, but we all might be enslaved by apes by the time it happens.

I will be on the View tomorrow at 11am ET. No, wait, that was just a nightmare.

What separates man from animal? Hats.

I hope before the White House staff gives Joe Biden toys they make sure none of them are a choking hazard.

So are the French for drugging and sodomizing 13-year-olds? If so, I hope the State Department issues some sort of travel warning.

What exactly is Obama supposed to talk to General McCrystal about? McCrystal doesn’t watch Grey’s Anatomy.

The more I read about Polanski’s crime, the more I move from “he’s suffered enough” towards “chuck him in the incinerator.”


  1. The economy should eventually improve, but we all might be enslaved by apes by the time it happens.


    What exactly is Obama supposed to talk to General McCrystal about? McCrystal doesn’t watch Grey’s Anatomy.

    Has McCrystal been named “Worst Person in the World” yet? Olby’s off his game.

  2. The more I read about Polanski’s crime, the more I move from “he’s suffered enough” towards “chuck him in the incinerator.”

    Perhaps, instead, we could just let him walk home from school in Obama’s Chicago. And, hey, that Annenberg school program in Chicago that Ayers and Obama worked on seems to have been really successful.

  3. So are the French for drugging and sodomizing 13-year-olds? If so, I hope the State Department issues some sort of travel warning.

    If “Last Tango in Paris” is anything to go by, the State Department also should issue a warning about the uses of butter in France.

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