Those Climategate e-mails are pretty bad for climate science. Here are some of the most incriminating excerpts I’ve found:
“We need volunteers to help strangle baby polar bears so we can leave their corpses out for great photos on the devastation of global warming.”
“Because of the increased scrutiny, we’re going to have to ask you all to stop using Ouija boards to confirm your findings.”
“As I was unable to get the journal to not publish the denialist’s paper, I kidnapped the publisher’s family to force him to comply. Anyone have a place I can hide them?”
“I saw the latest Al Gore speech on climate change and he didn’t say one thing that was even remotely true. I think his brain his fried. Can we blame that on global warming?”
“One of the denialists found out that the data for my conclusive proof of global warming was corrupted because cats like to lay on the temperature sensors. We may need to redefine “peer review” to keep his paper from being published. Also, when in science is it okay to murder?”
“I can’t get a publisher for my scifi novel about a post-apocalyptic future. I think I’ll just see if I can get it published in a journal as a scientific prediction on what will happen from global warming.”
“The data seems to suggest that most of the warming comes from some large heat source that floats over the earth daily. What the hell could that be?”
“It ends up one of the glaciers is melting because we left a space heater on it. We need to go fetch it and kill the Eskimos who saw it.”
“Yes, the computer simulation I’ve been running is actually Halo, but we’re all so sure about climate change so why should I waste my time doing boring programming when I can play Halo?”
“So how long until we should say the earth is doomed if people don’t do as we tell them? If we use too short a time, people will think we are already doomed and not do anything, and if we use too long a time they won’t care. I’m going with ten years. That’s worked well for the last twenty years.”
“Ends up the report we’ve been touting lately wasn’t made by scientists but by escapees from the insane asylum who got their hands on white lab coats. In our defense, they looked very sciencey. As always, tell no one.”
“On second thought, delete all e-mails that reference Al Gore. Let’s pretend we don’t know him.”
“I got an idea to really illustrate to the public the dangers of global warming: Let’s set an orphanage on fire and blame it on increased temperatures. If anyone knows some good accelerants, please share. Yay! Science is fun!”
“So we all agree we are now so certain about global warming we don’t need to waste time collecting data and can just make the numbers up?”
” We probably shouldn’t have bought stationary for the
‘Department Of Making Statistics Up’.
Let’s send it all to a landfill.”
The data are in the faces of Man-Made Climate Change supporters and they still refuse to acknowledge the evidence.
These same scientists threatened my job with the US Geological Survey when trying to publish a study showing with higher confidence that global temperature changes were natural and caused solely by Earth’s physical processes. Additionally, these same scientists would not discuss or refute the science and facts presented. Instead, they took two days to personally insult and attack me.
I always knew that when man-made global climate change was shown as insignificant that people would lose faith, note the word “FAITH”, in science. But this event and exposure is by far worse for the science community; but “Truth is the daughter of Time (Francis Bacon)”.
Several USGS scientists got fired for the same thing when discussing data manipulation for models developed for the Nevada Nuclear Test Site. But no outcry and defense for those scientists?
IF you see no problem with this and not wondering if the public has been misled by these scientists, then you are not scientists, you’re in denial, and you stand for no moral principles.
On 25 November 2009 at 12:15 PM, I tried to post comments on concerning this matter. That website refused the posts because they know me; another attempt to silence objective parties and since they were the ones that threatened my job…..
Now, Al Gore PUBLICLY states Mantle temperatures are MILLIONS of DEGREES. The man doesn’t have the morality, decency, and/or courage to publicly admit he was WRONG. SO WHY SHOULD these scientists admit they are wrong? They can’t, because if they do, the gig is up.
The phenomenon I discuss in my research has been studied for nearly 50 years and accepted as highly plausible by the Royal Society (I have the Publication) but the process and connection were unexplainable; the only drawback of all Magnetic Intensity and Ambient Temperature studies, in their WORDS; till now. We explained the Process in our paper along with the data analysis. Unfortunately, we used the Hadley Global Temperature Datasets. The data used were yearly averages, which was well explained both in the original paper and the 2008 AGU presentation. Just didn’t see any RealClimate people at the presentation. But they knew about it. I informed them.
The following is what I perceived as personal intimidation and a threat to call my USGS supervisor for doing this study. The only reason someone uses words like “Does your boss know what your doing” in the context of this event is a threat to get you FIRED if you don’t cease and desists. Now if the study and theory were not plausible and a potential explanation of global temperature variability, then why would do what they did in their posts? Not very professional for PhDs. Additionally, there are many other areas on that website where conversations took place.
John Mashey says:
30 June 2007 at 1:04 AM
re: #261: Chuck: you can stop worrying. Tindall has been at USGS for while,……………………………………..
Mr. Moran, if you’re still watching:
I have read USGS 370.735.5 and I hope you (and James Tindall) have.
Do managers SAF and LE HB know about this? Any constructive comments?”
“Ministry of silly walks is taken more seriously then us, who can we kill/threaten/infer impending doom so that at dinner parties people respect me and my bow tie?”
science (pbuh)
“Those damn deniers just won’t accept that there will be cooling periods during global warming. It reminds me of my wife getting mad at me shortly after having sex. At least I thought the sex was great! It’s like she tries to peer review my performance!”
“I’ve applied every mathematical filter known to science and the result is still trending downward. Maybe we should use transfer functions, instead. The only one I can remember is y = mx + b. Are higher powers possible?” – some PhD
It’s the Arabs fault! They invented the zero! Without the zero, we wouldn’t have scientists! How lame would that sound while giving Poindexter a wegie? Take that you five!
“I’ve been staring at all the tabular data for days – and I can see the upward trend! Really, I can!! But when I plot it graphically, it’s going down. WTF? I think I’ll tweak the plotting routine. Yeah.”
“Industrial Light & Magic came up with a great global warming computer simulation, so we need to funnel some Grant money their way,OK?”
“Don’t let then deniers know we used the Jack Daniels corrective factor. Or was that the Stolna vodka factor?”
” A new undersea volcanoe has been discovered out in the Pacific, send someone to get some nearby ocean temperatures to help ‘verify’ Anthropomorphic Global Warming.”
“I’ve developed this really cool new virus. I’m calling it ‘Shiva’. I read about it in some book by an Irish guy.”
“Just discovered that the data sometimes uses Fahrenheit and sometimes Celsius. Let’s not tell anybody, okay?”
The Finn’s have pretty much destroyed our tree ring data – let’s give the Russians the green light to “re-absorb” them.
We need another way to discredit the Little Ice Age – start insinuating that the British Isles moved from wine to grain based liquors, not out of neccessity, but out of a jealousy based upon superior French wines.
Modeling, schmodeling – just keep using Hollywood models to spread the faith.
No one’s gonna believe the dog ate my data – Hadron? The timing fits.
Let’s push Eleanor Clift’s statement refuting the lack of proof on AGW – there’s no proof of God either.
Let’s point out how drains are emptying more slowly – backup from all those melting ice packs. Makes more sense than water shortages due to melting glaciers.
Blame the H1N1 vaccine shortages on reduced egg production. Animals always “sense” impending danger, and the chickens as scared eggless.
Is this meant to be funny?
Why make up fake ridiculous emails pretending to be a cover-up when we’ve got real ridiculous emails that really are a cover up?
I drink a toast to the hackers that spilled the beans on this gargantuan humbug.
ussjc, Indians (dot, not feather) invented the Zero, but the Arabs claimed it as their own because they controlled the trade routes and thus information flow between East and West. Can’t trust an Arab.
Marko, I read that book! I can’t remember the name, but I picked up the paperback when I was laundromat bound. Crazy.
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Time is getting short and it is coming down to the fact, that soon I will have to pray to the good Lord to maintain our freedoms an not allow our leaders to sign the Copenhagen Treaty, which will take away our liberties, let go and let God-this being a challenge to our Lord and Saviour? However, while there is still time to prevent the loss of a lifetime, perhaps loss of life it’s self – I will do what I am able to fight for our freedoms! The whole Climate change agenda is a proven fraud but the United Nations and Globalist governments don’t care as that is just the excuse instrument they have used to ensnare us! Has everybody out there become a tree hugger? Anyone out there want to fight and maintain their freedom anymore? Please do all you can to preserve freedom in North America!
Check out what Government is doing behind your back at:
To request that PM Harper doesn’t sign the Copenhagen Treaty, thereby causing Canadians to lose their Sovereignty and Freedom email the PM at:
United Nations and Elite Globalists Trying To Ignore Climate Change Fraud and Racketeering!
Time is getting short and it is coming down to the fact, that soon I will have to pray to the good Lord to maintain our freedoms an not allow our leaders to sign the Copenhagen Treaty, which will take away our liberties, let go and let God-this being a challenge to our Lord and Saviour? However, while there is still time to prevent the loss of a lifetime, perhaps loss of life it’s self – I will do what I am able to fight for our freedoms! The whole Climate change agenda is a proven fraud but the United Nations and Globalist governments don’t care as that is just the excuse instrument they have used to ensnare us! Has everybody out there become a tree hugger? Anyone out there want to fight and maintain their freedom anymore? Please do all you can to preserve freedom in North America!
Check out what Government is doing behind your back at:
To request that PM Harper doesn’t sign the Copenhagen Treaty, thereby causing Canadians to lose their Sovereignty and Freedom email the PM at:
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