Driving like hell

Lots of drivers are bad drivers. Sure, I’ve made mistakes. I’ve taken my eyes off the road to look at a passenger or something beside the road that caught my eye, and have nearly run off the road in the process. So, yes, I make mistakes when driving. We all do.

But some people? They seem to have no clue what they’re doing. Like when they stop — completely stop — in the road because they have no clue what to do. The green light, or the “Right Lane Must Turn Right” sign don’t seem to provide any insight. Neither does the sign that says “US 80” with a sign pointing left. These things are no help to some drivers. Those drivers are clueless.

And I’ve noticed one thing about many of these drivers: Obama bumper stickers. Oh, not all of them. But enough to know that when I see an Obama bumper sticker, I need to watch out. Particularly all these months after the election when they still have the bumper sticker “proudly” showing their support.

So, I wondered about this. What kind of person would still be proud of their support of Barack Obama? A dumbass, perhaps. And their driving habits — driving like a dumbass — supported this theory. So I began watching for Obama bumper stickers and bad drivers.

Now, to be fair, not every bad driver has an Obama bumper sticker. And not every Obama bumper sticker is on a car I’ve seen driving poorly. But there is enough of an overlap that I’m seeing a connection.

Oh, and there’s that one other thing: Obama supporters not only drive like hell, they’re driving the country there too.

We need to revoke their licenses.


  1. Basil, I can only guess the usual make of the car owned by the drivers in question

    And they drive with pride
    ‘Cause if there’s one thing that this world needs,
    It’s environmental friends who’ll take the lead
    In a Yugo.

  2. Bearing wide to the left and coming to a complete stop before making a simple right turn.
    No use of directionals.
    Looking directly at their passenger 95% of the time otherwise they won’t hear what they’re saying.
    Bending down out of view 15 times a minute.
    Large 4WD SUVs going 0.00000001 mph over parking lot speed bumps. I always yell my Wages Of Fear nitroglycerin line during those moments.
    Slowest car on the tiny roads back home bogs you for 15 mind-numbing miles and just happens to live less than a block away from you. Which is convenient in a way, if you’re up to it.

  3. I agree, but we need to define “bad driver” and that is not the same as “fast driver”. My number one criteria for labeling someone a BD is passing on the right. And, I don’t mean riding along behind a slow driver for a while on the interstate and then genitally moving around them with a smile. I can forgive the mistakes of “out-of-townies”, but these jerks that change lanes as much as they blink deserve our scorn, no matter who they support.

  4. Now, now, Basil. Just because these Obama supporters are following their navigation systems straight down forest services roads packed with 4′ of snow to get from Portland to Reno doesn’t make them bad drivers. The people who program those navigation systems are the best in the business, stay the course!

  5. Most of the drivers I’ve seen proudly displaying the Obama bumper sticker are driving big jacked up pick-up trucks, SUV’s, Jags, BMW’s, Mustangs and other assorted gas guzzlers. The driving skills of these folks just plain suck, and they should never be allowed to drive again. I did see a guy in a Prius proudly displaying his Obama sticker and driving safely the other day, that was good for a laugh.

  6. I am an auto mechanic at the local Lincoln-Mercury-Volvo Dealership, and I am currently working on a 1997 Lincoln Continental with no less than 12 Pro-Obama/Pro-Democrat/Anti-Bush/Anti-Rush stickers plastered all over it. This kind of idiocy is usually reserved for our Volvo customers. I am refusing to take this car for a test drive. I do not mind driving a car with a pretty rainbow on the back, but I refuse to drvie this one. Oh, yeah; the repair bill shall be high…

  7. i beleive it is called narcissism. They drive like they are the only person on the road and the where they need to be is the most important place to be and we should all watch for them and stay out of their way.
    99.9% of these folks dont even bother to turn their heads when lane changing or merging, or cutting across 3 lanes to make that last minute left turn. And they usually honk at us because we are being inconsiderate.

  8. oooooooooooo……. sore subject.

    I’m going with Ronnie Raygun’s quote on this one:

    “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn’t so. ”

    For example, they know that when merging onto the freeway, their lane is the one that continues on, while the right lane already on the interstate is the one that disappears. You’re the one who’s supposed to adjust to them.

    They know they should use their turn signal to let you know that the turn they just started, after sliding across four lanes in front of you, was really where they intended to turn. It isn’t to tell you where they INTEND to go.

    They know that the proper way to make a turn after they’ve already passed it is not that wasteful and un-green “take the next exit and go around the block” nonsense, but to stop in the fast lane and back up to the exit.

    Rush hour, bumper-to-bumper traffic, the proper way to negotiate a clogged intersection when the light turns yellow is to race ahead to be sure somebody doesn’t cut in line from the side street. It’s better to block anybody from being able to go any direction than to lose face.

    The wide white line across your lane before an intersection is not where you’re supposed to stop, it’s the far edge of the two thinner lines mistakenly called a “Pedestrian Crosswalk”. Unless you’re in the left turn lane. Then you should stop before the sensor, and change your CD. This will make sure that people making the left turn to go the opposite way on your road won’t hit you if they’re changing their CD while turning, since that’s statistically proven to be the greatest risk of driving. As an added bonus, even if you get a turn arrow, it will turn yellow before you make it into the intersection, ensuring that only one car will be able to make it through behind you and then only by crossing traffic that has a green light.

  9. More evidence of “ego induced, rectal cranial inversion “; a common, seldom fatal (unfortunatly)
    syndrome. Common among populations of vegitarians,freeze dried hippies, American highschool
    students and all UN delegates Limited visual,auditory abilities and speech impediments, are often the first indications of onset.
    application of high velocity lead bolus is the only absolute cure. This has become an unrecognized
    public health crisis.

  10. I have to say that the biggest group of bad drivers in my area happens to be the handicapped. 4 out of 5 times if someone is driving like a tool, they have a handicapped license plate on their car. If you see an Obama sticker on a car with a handicapped plate, just get off the road. There really is no hope.

  11. Try driving in the Obama bumper sticker capital of the world, Cambridge, MA. The girl next door to me actually has a Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker next to the Obama one. She took off the one that said “these colors don’t run the world” and unelect Bush for some reason. I didn’t know they were capable of removing them. I’m sooooooooooo tempted to add a few of my own but that’s probably a hate crime or something.

  12. i dunno…were asians big obama supporters ?
    i live near a major city ‘chinatown’ and nobody can beat the denizens for making completely insane driving faux pas. coming to a dead stop on the freeway and then turning on the directional to change lanes, anyone? (and, of course, turning on the left directional if they want to turn right). i give these folks a large berth.
    that said, people in general seem to be in their own little worlds these days… oblivious to anyone around them and they could care less. whether there is any direct connection to barack or not is up for discussion.

    [“Not up for discussion” is correct. Obama voters are piss-poor drivers. It’s because their brains are defective. – B]

  13. A week doesn’t go by when I don’t see someone stopped at a traffic light open the drivers side door, lean waaay out and spit on the street.
    Next time I’ll be sure to check their bumper stickers.

  14. What kind of person ADDS an ‘I voted for PRESIDENT Obama’ sticker to their car? My neighbor the idiot trust-fund child-man political science professor. The Obama sticker was already present.

    My guns keep wanting out…

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