So I was reading this Spectator piece from Jeri Thompson, which mentions the fact that Obama’s Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Manufacturing, Nicole Lamb-Hale, was a bankruptcy lawyer.
This line caught my eye:
What kind of message does a President send when he puts a bankruptcy lawyer in charge of the manufacturing sector? It’s comparable to appointing a tax cheat to run the Treasury… oh… wait… never mind.
and it got me thinking about what else putting a bankruptcy lawyer in charge of manufacturing is like:
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* Putting a thunderstorm in charge of your campfire.
* Having a divorce lawyer officiate your wedding ceremony.
* Hiring a demolition crew to build your house.
* Picking Lindsay Lohan as your AA sponsor.
* Putting the Orkin man in charge of your apiary.
* Putting Jack Kevorkian in charge of the retirement home industry.
* Putting a lawn mower in charge of your flower garden.
* Hiring Tiger Woods to teach kids about abstinence.
* Having George Lucas direct your epic space opera prequels.
* Letting a porcupine guard your condoms.
* Putting Harry Reid in charge of your Negro Black History Month celebration.
What would YOU compare Obama’s masterpiece of tone-deaf appointeeism to?
I anxiously await a follow up article entitled “Analgesics for Obama”
Michael Moore in charge of a weight loss foundation.
Bill Clinton in charge of an abstinence program.
Rosie O’McDonneled in charge of anything.
Fred Thompson in charge of ministry of silly walks.
Black Panthers in charge of voting.
Arabs in charge of security at twin towers memorial.
Ronald Mcdonald in charge of a subdued colors and small shoes school uniform program.
Daily Kos in charge of a how to not speak in inflammatory hyperbole department.
George Soros to regulate Las Vegas.
Obama in charge of Bucket from head removal.
NPR in charge of a spending tax money wisely committee.
IMAO in charge of a not punching hippies board.
Illegals in charge of border security.
Hollywood in charge of the military.
Canada in charge of the Olympics.
Southern California in charge of national snow removal.
Bush in charge of national pronunciation.
Joe Biden as Vice president.
Having Michael Moore swim ahead of the Titanic to look for icebergs.
Having Barney Frank diagnose whether that annoying drip, drip, drip is gonorrhea if you are not already sure.
Hiring Fred Thompson to find out just how tough you are (this is twice as stupid if you have a DC comic starring yourself).
Using a sweaty gym sock as your ringer is a stupid contest against Joe Biden.
Luckily for liberals, moral bankruptcy doesn’t require a lawyer.
When do we reach the tipping point between “wow, this guy is incompetent” to “wow, this guy is doing this on purpose“?
Using is instead of in to win a stupid contest with myself.
Like putting Barney Frank in charge of speech therapy.
Like making Nancy Pelosi the Secretary of Brains and Beauty.
Putting union teachers in charge of your high schooler’s civics class.
Putting Barack Obama in the Presidency.
* Putting 24 screenwriters in charge of writing your new epic film.
* Buying a BMW to drive in the snow.
* Putting Spencer Tracy and James Cagney in charge of Bad Acting Department.
putting a monkey in charge of a loaded gun..
Like putting Joe Biden’s motorcade drivers in charge of safe driver’s school.
Like putting a community organizer in the Presidency.
Like putting trial lawyers in charge of tort reform.
Like putting an obsessive curling fan in charge of Olympic television coverage.
Like putting Harvey in charge of political correctness!
Like putting a fat chick in charge of fighting child obesity.
like putting termites in charge of your house’s structural integrity
Like putting Jimmy Carter in charge of fighting dictators.
Like putting a Kennedy in charge of the bar.
Like having Hillary as a spokesperson for Slimfast.
Like having Frank run the panda exhibit.
Like having Fred Thompson in charge of a loving and gentle hippie daycare.
Meant to say, I love the Osama pic. That’s a perfect pic for that caption.
I spit all over the screen.
Eh, it was dirty anyway.
Like having John Wayne Gacy as an entertainer at a child’s party, as well as being an active volunteer with the Democrat party, i.e. a “community organizer”.
Oh, wait a minute…
He was all that & more (wink wink)