Apparently some scientists have made proof of alternate universes, having made a “paddle” both visually vibrate and not vibrate at the same time.
So what does this mean as a practical matter for us?
It means we need to find a way to replace our Obama with the evil bearded Obama from an alternate universe. If he’s evil, we can only assume he’ll be an arch-conservative, but he’ll look the same except for the fancy goatee. And we banish our Obama to the alternate universe. He’ll try for a political comeback there, but when he goes to the politics store to buy what he needs, they’ll be like, “Sorry, but we’ve never heard of teleprompters in this universe.” Then Obama will freak out and it will be like the end of some Twilight Zone episode.
Which Twilight Zone episode? Deaths-Head Revisited?
Will this alternate reality Obama also come with alternate reality liberals? Maybe unlike our current batch they would be willing to compromise with Conservatives but not with Iran. What a crazy world that would be.
I dunno. It sounds like a lot of hooey to me, although I’ll give the guy credit. He does an experiment that turns out against normal expectations, and viola, there are alternate universes at work.
Robert Bork has a goatee. Maybe he’s Obama’s evil twin.
Maybe Obama’s his own evil twin. “Your agonizer, please.”
@Kirtz1: You couldn’t get more opposite than that, especially with regard to an understanding of constitutional law.
Here’s A little bit of Robert Bork trivia: The reason why the left has hated Bork has less to do with his legal opinions than his work for the Nixon administration. It was Bork who actually fired special prosecutor Archibald Cox (after the AG and deputy AG had resigned) during the “Saturday Night Massacre.”
Isn’t it just as possible that we are already in the alternate universe with the evil (goateeless) Obama and that somewhere there is a conservative goateed Obama? Just sayin’ (scientifically, of course)
Man’s age-old dream of of playing table tennis with evil Spock has finally been realized.
I think you may have missed something, Number 7. Conservatism is evil; we accept puppy blenders into our ranks.
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– From the article:
“The multi-verse theory says the entire universe “freezes” during observation, and we see only one reality.”
So… if we watch Obama closely enough, he’ll “freeze” and can’t change reality?
Works for me!
So… Can this quantum ‘paddle’ cause a pair of perky feminine buttcheeks to both redden and not redden without stifling the multiverse of giggling, ooh-ing and ah-ing?
Get back to me on that, soonest!
So that’s where stuff goes! Jimmy Hoffa, manbearpig, odd socks, Obama’s birth certificate….
The movie “Primer” uses the idea embodied in this technology for time travel.
I highly recommend it. The movie, that is, not using this technology for time travel. But if you can get time travel to work, good for you, and could you bring me back a Soylent Green burger?
“The multi-verse theory says the entire universe “freezes” during observation, and we see only one reality.”
This is very close to Professor Fry’s means of faster than light travel on Futurama. The ship stays in one place and the engines move the entire universe around it.
Would alternate universe Barbie have nipples and a vag? Or would she be flat chested and pimply?
Ironically, McCain and his entire family are idiots in both universes.