
So Obama is ranting about iPods and video game now:

“With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, — none of which I know how to work — information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation.”

He then followed up with a comment about “kids these days and their loud rock music.”

Yeah, I don’t get it. Isn’t bombarding people with empty sights and sounds how Obama become president?

“Yes we can!”

“Hope & Change!”

Obama’s whole campaign was based on repeating stuff like that over and over and hoping no one really thought about it. There was more substance to the plot behind the videogame Doom than the Obama campaign. And didn’t he give the Queen of England an iPod full of his speeches? Is that a distraction, a diversion, or a form of entertainment? I think it’s at least two of them.

Isn’t the only hope for the Democrats not to get devastated in November for there to be lots more distractions? They need shiny things with blinking lights that make loud noises everywhere and constantly befuddling everyone, because if people get to stop for even a second and think about the trillions Obama has spent and the massive bills he’s passed that no one knows what are in them, Obama’s approval ratings plummet.


  1. Obama: When I was a boy, we didn’t have none of that stuff. All we has was a Walkman, and we were d*mned lucky to have it. Twelve songs, fourteen max, and you had to flip the tape by hand. If you were really well off, you might have Coleco Handheld Football. Those games were good — no information at all, and no one could stand more than twenty minutes of that inanity.

    Sometimes, we had a snort or spliff, but that’s a different story altogether.

  2. The classless disgrace in the WH only thinks they are a distraction because his “brothers” are becomming informed and self aware, insted of the marxist drone he needs. Since the teleprompter did not tell him how things work, it is a distraction.

  3. There are (or should be) only two information sources. For liberals it is Mao’s Little Red Book and and for the rest of the world we have IMAO’s Hippie Punchin’ Manifesto.

  4. I’m not sure which is worse, his belief that all information should come from approved sources, or that all the shiney fun things takes people’s attention off of him.

    “Look at me!! More fun than a Playstation!!11!!1”

  5. Trust me, Obama dreams of the good old days when there were no other sources of information than the MSM. Of course, in Obamaspeak information becomes a distraction only when it conflicts with his information and that of his willing acomplices.

  6. Man, I’ve always wanted to lay off a large city listening to their rock n’ roll while I conducted missile drills! Except the cities I’d like to lay off of wouldn’t have any rock n’ roll for me to listen to. More like calls to prayers and Koran recitals. And sometime during the missile drill I would accidently on purpose launch an actual missile or two dozen. Opppsy! Sorry about that. Say hi to the virgins for me!

  7. “With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, — none of which I know how to work — information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation.”

    If he can’t use one, then how does he know what they do?

  8. ““With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, — none of which I know how to work”

    Wait a minute. Wasn’t there a news story shortly after Obama was sworn in about what was on his I-pod? Something about his “eclectic” musical tastes? I wonder what music he listens to when he’s laying off an American city conducting missile drills?

  9. Sorry, got to agree with President Obummer here. If information is used as a tool of empowerment, we could emancipate the country from this schmuck, his party, an his policies in 2010 and 2012. After all, the ipad, ipod, and ipotty generation did a great deal to get him elected. I’m really puzzled that President Obummer doesn’t quite understand if the general population had some understanding of economics and the constitution, he wouldn’t have a job to begin with.

  10. I’m sure the Queen got a kick out of the “My speeches ” iPod he gave her.

    One day, over tea: “Phillip, dear– tell me how to erase this crap and download the Beatles, would you?”

  11. When I was a kid, it was long before ipods and xboxes and all that, and the kids in our neighborhood were too poor to own anything like that anyway. We were lucky to have “toot-de-doo” bugle/loudspeakers. They came with toilet paper wrapped around them.

  12. Clearly Barry’s upset that college kids have gone back to playing video games in their spare time instead of lying to people about the reasons they should supposedly support Obama.

  13. Actually his approved information czar is Cass Sustein (sp). The Net Neutrality failed and now they have classifed the “internet” a “public utility” for what reason? They start jackin with freedom of speech and it will be game over.

  14. Actually, I am still troubled by his boasts during the campaign. I had him pegged as a molester way early. He kept boasting about his “Nude Erection” to anyone who would listen. Call me ‘old school’, but that kinda talk makes me nervous.

  15. He forgot the technological wonder of AM Radio.

    “… information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation.”

    Information doesn’t set anyone free
    unless it is Truth.

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