The imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has warned that moving the Ground Zero mosque could spur radicals. Also, they’d probably have to come up with another name than “Ground Zero mosque”. While I can’t dispute the second point, I wonder about the first. I mean, really, with all the things going on, that’s what’s going to spur on radicals now?
It’s funny how we can go over to the Middle East and blow stuff up and shoot Muslims, and we expect them to get along with us still because they’re kinda used to that, but it’s the Koran burning or Muhammad cartoons that will really anger the Muslims over there and supposedly turn them into rabid badgers but less rational. And now I guess the mosque moving would anger them too. Soon we’ll have radicals over there shouting, “Kill the mosque movers! They have moved a mosque, so they must die! Out of the 3,794,101 square miles of the U.S., there are a couple of blocks where they don’t want a mosque built so we must behead them!”
I think I speak for everyone who doesn’t suck when I say who cares what the Islamic radicals want? Isn’t that why we make those de-radicalizers so we can do what we want in America without worrying about what stupid violent people think about it? You know, de-radicalizers — I think some people call them “rifles”.
Muslims love showing us our Constitution where it allows them to build a Mosque anywhere. Now this church is showing them the constitutional rights they have to burn books. Proof they only love the constitution where it aids them.
There’s the money quote.
Muslims also hate festive hats, so anyone that wears one is basically an accessory to murder.
If the Muslims and the liberals
Ever look on Heaven’s scenes;
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines.
The radical islamist’s hate has reached the point of diminishing marginal utility – i.e. each additional unit of hate has less impact than the previous unit.
They already hate me because some schmuck in Florida wants to burn some korans, because some Danish guy drew some cartoons, because Salman Rushdie wrote a book I never read, because I don’t believe in murdering gays, because I don’t believe in beating women for not wearing sacks over their heads,… and for a thousand other stupid reasons.
My indifference meter is pegged.
I’m thinking about an email to the Pope to remind him that it’s been a long time since we last had a Crusade.
That would really upset them, – several million armed men charging and chanting “Our God is better than your god”.
Rifles are so…1700’s We have far better de-radicalizers now, when was the last time we had radical problems from Japan? More nukes=less radicals.
I agree. We need to use some super de-radicalizers! We’ve got like 10,000 or something so launching a few hundred wouldn’t even make a dent in our stock-pile and it’s not like we are bombing these idiots back to the stone age…they already live there so it’s a win-win…
it is inappropriate to build a mosque at ground zero out of respect for the people who lost their lives in the 9-11 attacks. but then again they have the right to build it anyway. the same for the rev. terry jones, yes it would be ridiculous to burn korans but then again he have every right to free speech. telling not to burn the korans is unconstitutional. besides they are over there in the middle east burning everything that’s american flags,holy bibles, etc……., do the americans get overly insulted and behave like thinned skinned adolescents? no not really unless its an american person.
Obama says he wants to get rid of a bunch, seems like a good way to do it and make sure they don’t end up in the wrong hands, most of the wrong hands will be dead.
You don’t care??!!! Well I’ll tell ya one thing – my brother, Mohommed, is going to be really pissed when I show him this IMAO post… will my other brother, Mohommed, and my other brother, Mohommed, and my other brother, Mohommed, etc., etc., etc.. (And don’t even get me started on my cousins!)
“We have not yet begun to piss you off.” -Nathan Hale
I heard someone say that burning the book of the pedophile prophet (korn I think they call it) is “un-American”. Is building a monument to glorify the mass murder perpetrated by the illiterate pedophile’s latter-day adherents likewise “un-American”? Both acts are deliberate. Both are legal. Are both “un-American”?
If not, why?
Trying to please Muslims is like KFC trying to please PETA. The only way they’ll be happy is if they don’t exist…same way the Muslims think about us.
The Council of Angry Islamic Radicals agrees with Imam Rauf. Islamic Rage Boy agrees with Imam Rauf. Al Quaida agrees with Imam Rauf. The Taliban agrees with Imam Rauf……..O-bah-muhh agrees with Imam Rauf. Coincidence? I think not!
What I personally think is hilarious (and awesome!) is that on this very webpage, this entry, Google Ads served up to me an ad for “”. “Browse Photo’s of Muslim Singles”.
Google, I love you forever.
Brian: Now, as clean-cut as you are, I hear you have run into some legal trouble.
Buck: Yes, sir. I had witnessed a flag-burning. Though it brought a tear to my eye to see such a travesty, I understand that it is considered free speech, something I have shed blood on more foreign lands than I can count in defense of. Then I thought, well I am allowed free speech as well. Since one sets fire to an American flag to protest the American flag, I thought I would set fire to a flag burner to protest the flag-burning. Ends up that was not considered speech, and I was brought to court over it.
E.D.: That is such a double standard!
Brian: Well, some might say that the difference is one is a flag, and the other a person.
Buck: Yes, sir. I understand that argument, but I ask, who do people respect more, the American flag, or a hippy? Seems more people respect that flag, so I don’t see why burning a hippy would be a worse crime.
Steve: So what was the verdict?
Buck: In the state of Alabama, burning a hippy constitutes a fifty-dollar fine.
– Fox & Friends Transcript – Interview with Buck the Marine, May 12, 2003
– (The Chronicles of Dubya, by Frank J. Fleming)
Time moves on, but the principles remain the same!
OJ was pretty upset that a court ordered his Heisman be put up for auction, so it only makes sense that radical muslims would be pissed off if they lose their trophy.
I wonder if Buck the Marine is the same guy who when asked by a reporter “what did you feel the first time you shot/killed a taliban member?” His response “recoil”
The wind blew and a cloud sailed overhead. Time to burn the American flag and kill an infidel !!! Time to send Buck the Marine and the Rumsfeld Strangler to the mid East.
I was digging around in the IMAO archives, looking for those posts where you advised that any story can be properly ended with “Muslims are outraged.”
I think that that post needs to be resurrected.
Personally I’d love to see this much liberal angst the next time an American flag is burnt. Oh! Aand EOTS, forget e-mailing the Pope for crusaders. Instead e-mail the Mongols for more…Mongols, after all they did more hurt to Muslims than the crusaders ever thought of doing.
@Andrew S.,
Kinda makes you wonder if they even get to look through the “single Muslim” pics themselves, or if a single Muslim’s father has to do it pick and arrange the meeting along with the other Muslim’s father. After all, goats may need to be traded.
Any religion created by a WARLORD is going to be VIOLENT. Can we just get our heads around this and fully understand the threat that exists? Mohammed (may the fleas of a thousand camels infest his armpits) slaughtered thousands, and enslaved those who wouldn’t submit to conversion. He and his successors sacked cities and countries, converting synagogues and cathedrals into mosques. That is what Islam is based upon: Submission and conquest. And that, friends, is why the Mosque on Ground Zero must never exist. It will be a beacon of conquest for the Muslim world–a western Mecca, drawing faithful followers from around the world.
Tolerance? Tolerance doesn’t even enter into the equation.
How about a 100 story detention center for Muslims? You could make a lot of 8×5 cells in that kind of floor space. Once it is full to the top we could fly an old surplus airliner into it. Tolerance my ass. I’m tired of being bullied by these sub human ass wipes.