So this environmental group released a video showing a teacher casually exploding students refusing to cut the carbon admissions, their blood and guts falling on their horrified classmates. You’d almost think this movie was made by the guy who took hostages at the Discovery Channel, but it’s a well produced video that apparently had a lot of people involved who didn’t have a problem with the obviously Nazi-like idea of brutally murdering inconvenient people who disagree with you.
And while environmentalists send out a video fantasizing about murdering infidel children, Osama bin Laden has released a video worrying about climate change. Do I sense a team up in the works?
A lot of people worry about Glenn Beck’s audience becoming violent, which is idiotic (they are at more of a risk of writing on chalk board while using funny voices, though), but environmentalists are constantly given the message that we’re all going to die unless something is done RIGHT NOW! It’s not that hard to see why susceptible minds would snap, but what do we do? You know how they have those sex predators registries so people know whether they’re in their neighborhood? Maybe there should be one for environmentalists. I certainly wouldn’t trust them around my children.
I’m watching my neighbor (Marc Morano) discussing this on Fox with Megyn Kelly. I wonder if Nancy Pelosi will “cry” over this ‘rhetoric’.
The environmentalists have seen to it that all the stores only carry phosphate free dishwasher detergent, which doesn’t clean my dishes. If I have no clean dishes, my family can’t eat. If we don’t eat, we will starve. Then the terrorists(and Michelle Obama) win!
This is a great demonstration of the truly psychotic mindset of the folks who claim to “hate haters” and stand up for “tolerance” when it comes to different “lifestyles” or opinions.
What are “carbon admissions”? Those like emissions? 😛
It seems that tree huggers become more and more crazy, leading me to the conclusion that their insanity will one day have to be solved with an MP-5 and some double taps.
So let me get this straight. The marxists believe:
protecting your family and property from leftist nut jobs — whacco right wing nut who should be killed horribly
seeing through the global warming hoax — whacco right wing nut job that who should be killed horribly
disagreeing with left wing nut jobs — whacco right wing nut job that who should be killed horribly
killing babies — completely acceptable in any form
A liberal’s fantasy, Kill the Infidels !!!!
I have often arguedmwith my liberal “freinds” that violence is the natue\ral outcome of the lefty philosophy. Stalin and Mao and Ortega were just giving Peace a Chance!!
Nice connection from the enviroMENTAL wack job video to bin Laden.
The problem that “environmentalists” have is that they are all pacifists and wussies! We, on the other hand have all the guns, knives and punchin’ skills! I think if there is any splodin’ happenin’ it’s going to be some dirty hippie environmentalist when he get’s in my face and slams his face down hard on my knuckles!
Hey, Loooooosie- you got some splodin’ to do!!
@Plentyo’: I think you hit upon the one thing that would have made their film perfect. It should have had a hospital nursery with babies. The doctor person would ask, “Which one of you won’t recycle when you grow up?” Kaboooom! Blood and guts all over the nursery window.
soooo, these would be baby “boomers”? hehe
So they want to kill people who don’t believe in their made up religion of ‘global warming’…..does this not make them
Muslimsterrorists? I heard audio today of people heckling the Prophet Gore at some speech, (they said global warming was a ….hoax…gasp o_o ) I wonder if they’ll get beheaded?Punching environmentalists is as much fun as punching hippies.
[Punching environmentalists is punching hippies. -Ed.]
Now if we could just get them blow each other up and leave the rest of us alone we’d be all set and could get back to launching nukes into deep orbit.
I’m surprised the enviro-jihadis never yelled “Al Gore-Akbar!”
Let the enviroMentalists go live under a big glass dome and practice what they preach (having first been sterilized, of course, since no innocent child should have to be born into such a nightmare) and after 20 years or so, they can show the rest of us how well their theories worked.
All those in favor of giving the Democraps a ‘musket to the junk’ on Nov. 2nd, raise your hands! No pressure… your choice… 😉