Katie Couric reminded us why we’re happy to now be done with network news. In an interview with Howard Kurtz, she said she is touring “this great unwashed middle of the country” to learn about the mood at the midterms. She was then caught off guard when people found this insulting because, you know, she’s so smart.
It wasn’t that long ago we had pretty much had no option for news other than one of these out of touch idiots who read news off a teleprompter and get in their head they’re smarter than everybody. Luckily, we now have more TV options, and better yet, the internet. On the internet, pretty much everyone is upfront about their biases, which for some reason old media liberals resist more than anything. Like you know coming in I’m a conservative, so you can factor in that if a conservative does something bad, I’ll play it down (“Yay head stomping!”), and if a liberal does something good, I’ll engage bearded Spock in hand to hand combat in this alternate universe I’m now stuck in. Also, with the internet, people can be journalists in their spare time, which makes it a lot more likely for conservatives to participate.
This is obviously much better than the former status quo of someone like Couric, who is happily ignorant of most of the country, picking out what she thinks we should know about. The internet has proven what we want to know about, and it’s kittens doing cute things on YouTube.
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