
My goodness:

Officials are investigating an Islamic center in South Carolina defaced when someone spelled out “PIG CHUMP” in bacon slices.

What kind of monster would do that to bacon?

Besides, that message seems a touch incoherent. Isn’t there a more pointed way to deface an Islamic center with sow strips?

I’m thinking “Bacon Mohammed cartoon“.

Are Liberals Making Men Sissies?

Of course. But if for some reason you didn’t already know that, here’s Steven Crowder on the subject.

Now, there’s been a big gender gap in liberals versus conservatives forever, and it’s pretty obvious why. Men don’t go, “I can’t provide for myself and my family without the government’s help!” The dad is supposed to get things done and make things happen. But in the new liberal version of the world, there are no dads. There’s just one big mom — the government — and it provides for you and nurtures you and makes sure you don’t have too much salt or transfats. Some find comfort in that idea, but most men find it emasculating. And most women — even if they are big government supporters — don’t want those sissy men.

…Well, I guess that’s not true with the popularity of sparkling vampires these days. Sparkling vampires are making women want sissy men. I don’t know what that has to do with politics, but it’s also true.