I keep hearing negativism on defunding NPR. We were once able to send a man to the moon, but apparently stopping government funding for fringe left-wing speech is way too hard. It does seem like a good test for the new Congress; if they can’t make one cut on something everyone agrees is idiotic, what are they going to be able to do? And don’t let the leftists hide behind Elmo; if what it takes to get the government solvent is to stand before schoolchildren and strangle Elmo, then I’ll do it. People have a right to free speech, but they should also have a right not to be forced to fund speech they disagree with.
While we’re working on the idiocy of government funded speech, let’s not forget the other idiocy the Juan Williams incident exposed. Some liberals seem to get freedom of speech only half-right: They like being able to say whatever they want, but they despise other people being able to voice their opinions. If you want to see where that attitude leads, look at people being charged with “hate speech” in European countries. Liberals like to control people and worry that impolite speech will lead to violence, but they get things backwards because it’s people feeling voiceless that leads them to take harsh action. We need to keep having these impolite discussion in our country because they are our strength. Right now, people are trying to make Islam a protected thing and clamp down on anyone who dare question it, but if Muslims are going to fully integrate in this country then their religion needs to be as open to attack Christianity is. Our idea of free speech in this country is still, unfortunately, a unique thing, and we have to keep fighting for it.
And not putting government money towards those who despise it.