Funding and Speech

I keep hearing negativism on defunding NPR. We were once able to send a man to the moon, but apparently stopping government funding for fringe left-wing speech is way too hard. It does seem like a good test for the new Congress; if they can’t make one cut on something everyone agrees is idiotic, what are they going to be able to do? And don’t let the leftists hide behind Elmo; if what it takes to get the government solvent is to stand before schoolchildren and strangle Elmo, then I’ll do it. People have a right to free speech, but they should also have a right not to be forced to fund speech they disagree with.

While we’re working on the idiocy of government funded speech, let’s not forget the other idiocy the Juan Williams incident exposed. Some liberals seem to get freedom of speech only half-right: They like being able to say whatever they want, but they despise other people being able to voice their opinions. If you want to see where that attitude leads, look at people being charged with “hate speech” in European countries. Liberals like to control people and worry that impolite speech will lead to violence, but they get things backwards because it’s people feeling voiceless that leads them to take harsh action. We need to keep having these impolite discussion in our country because they are our strength. Right now, people are trying to make Islam a protected thing and clamp down on anyone who dare question it, but if Muslims are going to fully integrate in this country then their religion needs to be as open to attack Christianity is. Our idea of free speech in this country is still, unfortunately, a unique thing, and we have to keep fighting for it.

And not putting government money towards those who despise it.

More Making Fun of Kos

Just because it’s always fun to make fun of Kos, Baseball Crank found Kos’s prediction for all the great opportunities the Democrats would have for pickups in the Senate this year (they could be on their way to a 65-70 seat majority!).

So where did Kos’s thinking go wrong. First off, he failed to recognize he and his followers are little wiener kids completely divorced from the values of Americans at large. Thus, he thought that Obama’s ideas would actually be popular when in fact they were deadly deadly political poison. Good political prediction require an accurate assessment, so if Kos wants to be more accurate in the future, he has to recognize that everyone hates him and considers him freakish and weird. Thus, if he likes something, that’s probably not good for it politically.

Still, he predicted that 2012 will be rough for Democrats in the Senate as they’ll be playing defense on their 2006 gains; maybe that will pan out.

Will Ma’am Get to Keep Being Senator?

Here’s a video on Barbara Boxer by David Zucker of Naked Gun fame (with a cameo by Zo):

Call Me Senator from RightChange on Vimeo.

I don’t get California. Odds are Barbara Boxer — one of the dumbest, most useless Senators — is going to be reelected again for Senator despite more than 30 million other people to choose from and that for Governor they’re going to elect Jerry Brown again — because of how great things have been going in the past for California. It would be okay to have this kind of idiocy in a small state like Rhode Island or something, but California is a little too big to be constantly mired in stupidity that apparently too many of the citizens don’t want to get out of. They really should try breaking it up into three different states, as I think we could get up to two functioning states that way. In the least, they should try isolate the cancer of stupid from affecting more people. And maybe Mexico would be dumb enough to buy that piece of California from us.

“Own a big piece of California — cheap! And it comes with Barbara Boxer to run it for you… just don’t call her ‘Senora’.”

Random Thoughts

At this point, I don’t see Juan Williams going back to NPR even if they offered. Let’s just defund and move on.

The American public shouldn’t be forced to fund stuff white people like.

The thing is, most conservatives get annoyed by Juan Williams views, but you have to work hard to actually hate him.

If taxpayer funding were used to save something like Firefly, I might understand. But what makes the NPR stuff so special?

Are things starting to turn against the GOP? I haven’t seen the crazed Ewok in a while.

Glenn Greenwald accused me of having a short attention span… I think. I only scanned his tweet.

To Whom It May Concern: No, YOU’RE the one who’s stupid!

I work a full time job plus blog and write a column, so I’ve decided I deserve to spend $1.99 on myself to get Angry Birds Halloween. Don’t tell my wife.

If you want a team to stay #1 for more than a week, try making Boise State #1.

I say, if you’re going to do another Star Wars trilogy, don’t tell Lucas about it.