Just because it’s always fun to make fun of Kos, Baseball Crank found Kos’s prediction for all the great opportunities the Democrats would have for pickups in the Senate this year (they could be on their way to a 65-70 seat majority!).
So where did Kos’s thinking go wrong. First off, he failed to recognize he and his followers are little wiener kids completely divorced from the values of Americans at large. Thus, he thought that Obama’s ideas would actually be popular when in fact they were deadly deadly political poison. Good political prediction require an accurate assessment, so if Kos wants to be more accurate in the future, he has to recognize that everyone hates him and considers him freakish and weird. Thus, if he likes something, that’s probably not good for it politically.
Still, he predicted that 2012 will be rough for Democrats in the Senate as they’ll be playing defense on their 2006 gains; maybe that will pan out.
Sometimes I feel sad that we even have to pay attention to these people. But I think it’s a job that must be done.
“So where did Kos’s thinking go wrong.”
Kos, thinking? I disagree with your premise.
“…he and his followers are little wiener kids…” *
* The kind with undescended testicles.
Let the Kos kids be a lesson to you. Drugs are bad. They make you see things that are not there, and rot your brain.
Not everyone – Andrew Sullivan thinks Kos is dreamy.
Barney Frank also finds DKOS fabulous! I have yet to login to their website and I have yet to Twitter. That makes it 100% that I will not be teh ghey! As for the rest of you, I don’t think the Dr. can help you unless you are up to having your nads removed…
“My polling numbers were wrong.” ~Markos Moulitas
To be fair, he did say Obama had to be at least marginally competant to expand majorities, and Obama is about as competant as Carter on crack.
Kos just followed the graph,using the liberal hyperbolic hyberbole’ curve.
If you gain 4 seats one election and 8 the next,
then in 4 elections you will win 128 senate seats.
Just like…
If temperatures increased .7 degrees F in 100 years,
then within 10 years, the seas will rise,
Iowa will be beachfront property,
so $8 Trillion must be given to science! for studies.
It’s like Kos has one of those ‘easy buttons’ from Staples or a magic 8-ball to churn out predictions.