For the previous riddle, slarrow wins the HIGH PRAISE. Now for this week’s riddle:
What you tried to give me,
I quickly sent away.
Yet you tried again to force it on me,
Leaving it at my destination.
Thousands want it, though;
If only I could get it to them and be done with it.
Be the first to tell me what “it” is in the comments, and you will win…
So tell me, have the riddles helped make you guys smarter? Or have they actually made you dumber? I already know about ussjimmycarter.
lower Health Care costs.
A Gideon Bible?
Obamacare. (Last line makes me think of Frank J.’s proposal to split the US into two countries.)
Spam? Pop-up ad for Viagra?
The Democratic Party.
I don’t care what you say, Frank, this is about the Democratic Party.
Fruit Cake, for sure.
A Shrubbery? (I have no idea what it is with me and monty python lately…)
A court summons.
Cheese! Or maybe a sparkly vampire movie?
A certified letter
Jury duty notice.
A head stomping?
That would be a baseball!
[Finally! Thought this one was an easy one… I mean, World Series starts today and everything. -Ed.]
It’s got to be a law of some kind, because it’s being forced upon us.
Now give me what I want!
Nobody cares about baseball!
The Democratic Party is the only thing more worthless than baseball!
Freedom, baybay!
It must have been my Boise State scenario?
Is this referencing that night you went to dinner with Barney Frank?
the anti meg whitman ad on your blogpage
Its a dollar when you try to put it into a glitchy vending machine.
Oh good grief Frank, this could be anything. Anything we hate, that is. Which is an exponentially growing list.
Taxes, doh
Genuine discount viagara.
Top-notch SEO services placing you on the front page of google.
Make happy times with для определения перспективности when you play hide the контактов У каких сотрудников with her дальнейших можно for week.
Justin Bieber concert tickets.
SonOfBob…Slaps self on forehead! You got there way before me! High praise from me at least!!!
What the heck does Frank know about you, ussjc? This is very suspicious.
Frank is very perceptive and can tell that I am slowly becoming dumber as I read IMAO! I’m almost to Tard level…
Say it ain’t so, ussjimmycarter.
Let’s get Frank.
Political Flyers
It’s ok Jimmy! I started out so smart that I make everyone else in the room feel like retards So I’m just coming down to everyone else’s level…
These riddles (thup thup thup) are definitely making me (thup thup thup) dumber (thup thup thup), which I cannot afford.
Obamacare. Or Hillary.
rabid raccoons!
‘Course, that’s my answer to everything.