Yes We Can, But…

When President Obama was on the Daily Show, he modified his famous phrase to, “Yes we can, but…” So what are the possible endings to it? Here are some ideas:


…it sounds hard.

…it would require competent leadership.

…Republicans stole my Slurpee.

…I’d rather focus on liberal agenda stuff you don’t care about right now like health care.

…I kind of don’t like this country.

…it is forbidden by the Koran.

…then I couldn’t play as much golf.

…then I might lose my best friend, Bill Ayers.

…it’s just not how we do things in my hometown of Kenya.

…it might make foreign leaders so mad they won’t let me bow to them.

…it’s better the car stay in the ditch until we get a hybrid.

…I’m president.



    …I’ll have to ask George. Huh? George SOROS!

    …I’d have to stop blaming George. Huh? George BUSH!

    …then Blago would talk.

    …Michelle said she’d leave if we did.

    …the T.E.A. Party would then march on Washington.

    …um, uh, era, a a a a a, it ti ti ti, ummmmm.

  2. …That stupid Constitution thingy is in the way
    …Putin cut off my funding
    …So did Soros
    …People are waking up
    …Venus is in the wrong constellation at the moment
    …I can’t see anything from under this bucket
    …Bo ate my plan
    …Only in our imagination

  3. Yes We Can, but…first you will blow me.

    Yes We Can, but…what was the first thing I said?

    Yes We Can, but…heh…wow…Can but…can but can but can but can but can but…

    Wes Be Yen, cut…………PROMPT!…

    Uh, yabba………..uh dabba dabba dabba…………uh, do!…

    Why do I get the feeling that O will be the first living person to actually, really see Fred Flintstones’ green alien friend Gazoo?

  4. Pingback: Daily Election Open Thread | Blogs For Victory

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