The Left Has Never Cared About Tone

Here’s Mary Katharine Ham on the left and their “new tone”:

The left keeps going on about “violent rhetoric” and what not, but of course they have little to say about their own crazed protests. You know I’m just getting tired of the left’s false concerns. “We’re worried about violence,” or “We’re worried about racism,” or “We’re worried about harsh rhetoric” — the left doesn’t legitimately care about any of that. Their concern about almost everything begins and ends with people disagreeing with them. It doesn’t matter how perfect and honest you’ve led your life; disagree with the left and they’ll find a reason you’re the worst person ever. And you could go around and ax murder people and the left will try to find some excuse for your behavior if you tout single payer health care.

The left really needs to learn to start embracing freedom of speech in spirit. If anytime you hear someone disagree with you and the first thing you think is, “How do I find a way to shut this person up?” then you’re not really getting it. If you can’t stand people disagreeing with you, this isn’t the country for you.


  1. I don’t know why no one mentioned it when everyone was like, “AAAAAH! Sarah Palin used evil mind control to make a man shoot people in Arizona!” but where were these ‘violent rhetoric’ concerns when the left was producing spoof videos of people being blown up if they refused to follow environmentally friendly policy?

  2. If you can’t stand people disagreeing with you, this isn’t the country for you.

    The thing is, they agree with you.

    That’s why they’re trying to “fundamentally change” America.

    Into something that isn’t the country for you or me.

    Which sucks because this country has the most freedom in the world.
    If we lose America, we’re all screwed.

  3. > It doesn’t matter how perfect and honest you’ve led your life; disagree with the left and they’ll find a reason you’re the worst person ever.

    Christians are sort of like that. If you’re not a Christian, you’re Bad, even if you’ve lived a life of decency and honesty; in fact, to them, you can’t possibly have lived a life of decency and honesty if you’re not a Christian.

    Funny how that works, eh? Partisan, religious, secular, environmental, or otherwise ideological zealots never realize they’re zealots. That’s one of the defining characteristics of a zealot.

    Partisanship = (stupidity + hate) * intellectual cowardice.

  4. Uh, Darrell, how do you support your grand equation? Prior to the Civil War, there were extremely partisan folks who risked their reputations and lives to support the cause of freedom. According to your theory, these folks were “stupid,” “hateful” and based their views on “intellectual cowardice.” Moreover, your post indicates a partisan antipathy toward Christians. Does that mean you are stupid and hateful with a dose of intellectual cowardice thrown in?

    Although we are not perfect, we try to adhere to Christ’s teaching that we are not to judge others (John 8:7). In fact, it is our recognition that we are not perfect that compels us to try to avoid judgement. Love the sinner but hate the sin. Many if not most Christians are appalled when prominent Christians issue judgements against a person or persons. Most often, if not always, these judgements are issued by extremist leaders who do not speak for the Christian community.

    You may wish to read the post and comments here regarding some people whose actions viscerally repulse us.

  5. Gee Darrell I’m sorry I thought such hateful things about others. No wait, I didn’t and I don’t!
    Wow i do believe you have practiced what many who wanted to justify themselves have tossed out “Judge not least ye be judged.” Some of the best people in the world have died in their sins, some of the worst people have accepted grace before exiting this life. It is not about being good enough because there is no goodness scale out there that you have to be measured against. Ephesians 1:7-14 gives a nice thumbnail overview. I don’t think non christians are bad just lost.

  6. oops sorry guys. got fired up and didn’t get to my snarky comment. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! now go away before I have to taunt you a second time.

  7. As a non-Christian, I’ll have to say Darryl is about as wrong as can be.

    I much prefer to hang out with Christians than with members of the new, Leftist Religion.

    If you sin, those darn Christians are likely to pray for your soul.

    And for that, they can never be forgiven.

  8. Zealotry in pursuit of Freedom is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of Justice is no virtue.

    “And you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you Free.” Jesus said, ” I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life…”

    Ye shall know them by their fruits…….A Good Tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth Good Fruit.

  9. B B But it’s all for the children you cruel heartless rubes! If only you had all gone to an Ivy League school, you would know the truth and truth (NPR Style) would set you free…FIRED!!!

  10. Pingback: Steynian 440nth « Free Canuckistan!

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