Random Thoughts

I just love my little Buttercup more every day. I’ve already reached the upper limit on loving my wife.

Warner Brothers, just so you’ll know, I’ll star in Two and a Half Men for the discount price of $500,000 an episode.

So will Two and a Half Men go on without the titular half-man?

Actually, kinda feels excessive to pile on that this point. It’s hard to make it more obvious to Sheen he’s at a nadir.

The country has seen better days, but until were embroiled in a civil war we can say we’ve seen worse.

Plus, at no previous time in our country’s history did people have iPads. Not even the Reagan years.

Every time I look at my clunky iPad 1, I imagine a caveman using it to beat to death a woolly mammoth.

Hoping I can at least wait until the iPad 3 to upgrade, but I’m starting to worry I’ll look like a hipster with my technological antique.

$223 billion deficit in Feb. In other news, I’m buying store brand soda as I’m still paying off the mortgage deficit on my last house sale.

Wait a sec… I have a mortgage, a child, a lawnmower, a budget… I think I might be an adult now.

There’s not much left with Charlie Sheen except to pray he realizes how much he needs help.


  1. “I just love my little Buttercup more every day. I’ve already reached the upper limit on loving my wife.”

    I feel the same way about my grandson, me ‘n the wife are leaving warm Florida and flying up to Chicago tomorrow to see him. We’ll see our son and his wife too, but we’re really going to spoil our grandson. I am amazed at what awesome parents they’ve turned out to be. I hope Buttercup’s grandparents are doing the same. God bless little Sam and Buttercup and all babies.

    “Every time I look at my clunky iPad 1, I imagine a caveman using it to beat to death a woolly mammoth.”

    That’s because pre-historic IPads were so big they doubled as clubs. If I remember correctly they also had a sharp edge so they could work as a knife to gut the woolly mammoth. It’s my understanding the Swiss Army Knife was based on a IPad. By the way, just to set the record straight, the were once known as Woolly Bully Mammoths. Who says IMAO isn’t educational too?

  2. Plus, at no previous time in our country’s history did people have iPads. Not even the Reagan years.

    Don’t spout such crap, Frank! By the way, after making this statement you now qualify as “gay”. If you next say you are “excited” by repeal of DADT, I will have to call the fire department.

    Hoping I can at least wait until the iPad 3 to upgrade, but I’m starting to worry I’ll look like a hipster with my technological antique.

    Is a 1911 a technological antiqe? Is it, Frank???

    Wait a sec… I have a mortgage, a child, a lawnmower, a budget… I think I might be an adult now.

    GIVE US OUR MONEY NOW, PRIVATE SECTOR BASTAR…wait, I mean congratulations!

    There’s not much left with Charlie Sheen except to pray he realizes how much he needs help.

    Very much true. Mocking him feels the same as mocking the hopeless drunk or a mental retard.

    Random thought: Mitt Romney the Republican frontrunner? Others include Mitch Daniels and Jon Huntsman? Should I begin abandoning all hope already?

  3. @Marco: Very much true. Mocking him feels the same as mocking the hopeless drunk or a mental retard.

    Since when is mocking biden and that one a bad thing?

    Sheen would make a better president that the one you have now, he would at least have decent looking women in the oval office.

  4. “Random thought: Mitt Romney the Republican frontrunner? Others include Mitch Daniels and Jon Huntsman? Should I begin abandoning all hope already?”

    No, but it’s a good idea of check the locations of the life rafts and make sure you know which one to go to when it’s time to abandon the good ship “Hope.” Mitt Romney, oh noes!

    By the way, after seeing that cute picture of Sarah and Buttercup, I declare Princess Buttercup is officially cute enough to date my grandson Sam. See you in 20 years!

  5. POB… and unlike Clinton, at least he’d be totally honest about his Drug Use. Though hObama said he tried Cocaine once. Yeah… Once… sure. From his policies, I’d say he fried his mind on LSD while Chasing the dragon.

  6. plentyobailouts says:
    Sheen would make a better president that the one you have now, he would at least have decent looking women in the oval office.

    And for once the prostitutes in The White House would be women.

  7. SarahK and Buttercup have clearly and deservedly raised the IMAO cute factor. Never thought we would see that.

    Obama’s handling of Egypt and Libya is as effective as a WWe referee.

    What is an iPad?

  8. Sheen is entirely responsible for his condition, unlike someone who is mentally challenged. I choose to chuckle at his antics while absolving myself by offering the standard disclaimer, “I hope he gets help.”

    $223 billion deficit in Feb.

    This is more than the deficit for the entire year of 2007 under Bush. Liberal response: Tea Partiers are a bunch of racist rabble rousers. Republican response: We’ll cut the budget by switching to bargain brand toilet paper in the capitol.

  9. iPads, aren’t they the new improved version of the Preparation hPads?

    Princess Buttercup looks so much bigger since eating the purple monkey. Clearly, she needs a steady diet of them.

    Did the T-shirt Babe come with an upper limit on loving? Maybe you need to improve your Love Rating somehow, Frank.

    Heh, Frank said titular.

    Proud Infidel looks too young to have a grandson, but then, I think I’ve been seeing his face on magazines since I was a kid. Remarkably well preserved. Must be from all that Not-Worrying.

    Unfortunately, O-bah-muhh still doesn’t qualify as an adult.

  10. Regarding our runaway federal spending, I’ve been waiting for the fat lady to sing for years, now. But just my luck, when she finally comes on she’ll be all wrinkled and skinny and emaciated and look like a female Charlie Sheen.

  11. Wait a sec… I have a mortgage, a child, a lawnmower, a budget… I think I might be an adult now.

    You are also married – if you ever get to feeling too grown up, ask your wife how mature SHE thinks you are.

    Preferably after farting.

  12. Love Buttercup? I saw Sarah’s tweet about you forgetting to buckle your little beloved in the swing. I would never forget my loved ones…unless you count the time I forgot to feed the kids for a day and a half but whose counting?

  13. “Buckle your little beloved in the swing”… What’s up with that? When I was a young’in, they had wooden swings and if you fell of tough noogies because the big piece of wood was headed back your way and there wasn’t a damn thing you could do about it! Twap! on the back of your head!!! Also, a favorite was to get some poor schmuck on the teeter totter and jump off as he was in the air and watch him fall on his balls!!! Great fun!!! Then there was the Jungle Gym…All Steel…slippery and a real nut cracker!!! Finally we had Steel Slides that got to Nuclear Hot in the Summer time!!! Guaranteed to strip the flesh off your buttocks!!! Those were the days when men were men and women were glad of it!!!

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