Everything You Already Knew About Liberals Confirmed in 8 Seconds

[High Praise! to The Gateway Pundit]

This is a real fundraising video from the Obama campaign:

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #60,335)

Note well this passage at the 1:48 mark:

Hey Brian.
Hey Shawn, how’s it going?
Isn’t this my 9-iron?
Oh… yeah… I didn’t think you’d miss it.

They will steal your stuff for a good cause and find a way to rationalize it.







  1. Romney supporters sacrifice and donate hard earned cash. Obama supporters donate crap they don’t need, and – it’s official – stolen goods they think their neighbors won’t miss.

    Which group demonstrates the higher degree of motivation and interest?

    Besides, not satisfied with trying to tap into the small appliances fencing industry (Is our government REALLY asking people to “steal for Obama”? Yes. Yes they are. Only this time they’re branching out and it’s more than just votes.), these lefties once again demonstrate an appropriate ZERO understanding of how markets work. Like America has this vast untapped demand for a million used waffle irons just wating to be satisfied in one weekend. GOOD choice of product placement there, dweebs!

    Hat tip: Everyone check the Craigslist “free” listings for their area tonight/tomorrow – there should be free leftover waffle irons aplenty, if you’re an oddball in need.

    “Excuse me, do you know where the Internet is?” CLEARLY an Obama supporter.

  2. I watched thinking it was a joke. Waited until the end and didn’t see the punchline. Now I’m sad for those people and all who will be participating in the Hope and Change Yard Sale. Then I got happy, thinking that things are going so badly for Barry and his followers that they need to sell their old sh!t just to stay in the race. Here’s hoping the yard sale goes as well as the Chik-fil-a boycott went…

  3. “Yeah, man…we’re gonna take back our voices from those billionaires and evil corporations by selling this stuff we bought from evil corporations, mking billionaires outa their owners….”

    “Course, then we’ll need NEW stuff…….”

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