An Obama administration official said “You don’t start a new agenda on January 1. We intend to push a bunch of big pieces of business over the finish line next year,”
So… it can’t cross the finish line under it’s own power? What’s on the agenda? Solar-powered cars?
We intend to finish pushing
a bunch of big pieces of businessthe country over thefinish linecliff next year,”A bit off topic. Picked up a used car for the daughter to go to school. Swapping stories with the salesman about used cars we had bought and how much we had paid for them. He said that cash for clunkers had driven up the cost of used cars and the market had still not recovered.
He’s got a further agenda waiting in the wings? How much more destruction of the country does he dream about?
Ed, I bought an 18 year old Chevy pickup for $25003 months after c4c, a year later the same vehicles were selling closer to 1000.
On topic, an executive action outlawing all semi-auto guns(by default would include single action revolvers). Stalwart Republican congress stands shoulder to shoulder and says “ok”