Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
When asked if he will drop out of the 2016 presidential race, Donald Trump…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
When asked if he will drop out of the 2016 presidential race, Donald Trump…
When asked if he will drop out of the 2016 presidential race, Donald Trump…
ate the reporter, with a nice Chianti…
When asked if he will drop out of the 2016 presidential race, Donald Trump…
[Insert something that will piss off Liberals here]
When asked if he will drop out of the 2016 presidential race, Donald Trump…
said he will file Chapter 11 and start again.
…said: “Why should I? I’ve already made the deal with ‘Art’.”
…released the attack monster he keeps tethered on his head.
…said “My exit will be the best, the most beautiful exit ever”…
…smiled and pointed to his hat…
…said he hadn’t heard from his Democrat controllers on that eventuality…
When asked if he will drop out of the 2016 presidential race, Donald Trump…
…said, “You’re Fired!”
…answered, “Surely you jest”
…replied, “Only if cookies are involved”
…dropped an F-bomb.
…mused aloud about how good it would to be king.
…called for a nine year ban on stupid reporters.
…issued a fatwa on all reporters drawing conclusions.
…admitted it would be a lot cheaper to buy the country after foreclosure.
…said, “When Obama’s testicles drop… then I’ll drop…. so never….”
said he’d do it for Randolph Scott.
… praised the reporter for asking such a logical question of a front-runner.
… called the reporter names and then threatened to have him deported.
When asked if he will drop out of the 2016 presidential race, Donald Trump…
said The Donald does not drop out of race, race drops out for The Donald!
.. answered “Sure, right after I tune in and turn on. Hippie.”
…mocked the reporters lack of personal hygiene and accused him of masticating in public.
…replied: “Absolutely, if the position for King of the World opens up before Nov 2016.”
…”have you asked the establishment RINOs with single digit polling numbers when THEY’RE dropping out?”
…”you mean do I plan to quit while I’m ahead?”
…”right after YOU become an unbiased reporter”
#1 and #18 0 winners!!!
When Asked if He Will Drop Out of the 2016 Presidential Race, Donald Trump…
Boarded his shuttle to the low orbit ion cannon (
He said: “I’ll drop out of the race after I am elected.”