Try “not voting”, and maybe get to watch Das HillaryBeest get elected – then, come back in a li’l while, and maybe let me know just what a marvelous result that produces…
Not funny, Frank – not even close.
There are far, FAR worse things that can (and likely will) come, if you decide, ’cause you can’t handle having Donald Trump be the stronger-fire-that-fights-the-Left-fire, you wanna just “opt-out” – just go curl up in your li’l “safe place”, and ignore reality…
Under new Democrat created initiatives your vote will be counted, for Hillary, whether you decide to cast it or not. Sleep well my friends and welcome to the new reality.
I don’t think it could get any worse than another bush, because that’s what led to Zero. At least a trump win will shake up the R party to where we MIGHT start trying to do the right thing again, instead of what they’ve been doing.
Oh? Really?…You think not, do you?
Try “not voting”, and maybe get to watch Das HillaryBeest get elected – then, come back in a li’l while, and maybe let me know just what a marvelous result that produces…
Not funny, Frank – not even close.
There are far, FAR worse things that can (and likely will) come, if you decide, ’cause you can’t handle having Donald Trump be the stronger-fire-that-fights-the-Left-fire, you wanna just “opt-out” – just go curl up in your li’l “safe place”, and ignore reality…
Under new Democrat created initiatives your vote will be counted, for Hillary, whether you decide to cast it or not. Sleep well my friends and welcome to the new reality.
I don’t think it could get any worse than another bush, because that’s what led to Zero. At least a trump win will shake up the R party to where we MIGHT start trying to do the right thing again, instead of what they’ve been doing.
It’s OUR fault there is an 0bama. Change that.