Yes but in such a small way that it easily falls within the normal variation and measurement accuracy parameters as to render it meaningless against the larger factors that also affect the Earth’s climate change that would occur absent human contributory factors.
Plus the buses that brought these bought protesters to this protest probably had a larger, even if still too small to accurately measure, affect on the environment.
If you tie your wife to a chair she can’t change the thermostat. I think that sums up what AGW solutions are all about. And why they won’t work.
Ahem…the manufacture in giant smoke billowing paper mills of wood pulp into cardboard signs also adds to global climate change.
Yes but in such a small way that it easily falls within the normal variation and measurement accuracy parameters as to render it meaningless against the larger factors that also affect the Earth’s climate change that would occur absent human contributory factors.
Plus the buses that brought these bought protesters to this protest probably had a larger, even if still too small to accurately measure, affect on the environment.
We’re painting signs!
Chartering busses!
Start paying fines!
Perhaps to usses!
We hate all haters!
We withhold nookie!
We got third graders
Playing hookey!
Stupid is as a liberal does.