They’re Heeeeere…

I finally got my t-shirts! I guess Doug wasn’t in a rush to get them to me since I wasn’t paying for them. Then again, I’m too important to pay for things. Anyway, the it’s another masterpiece by; the printing couldn’t be anymore perfect (well, technically, there aren’t levels to “perfect” so that was a very gramatically incorrect statement, but you know what I mean). Since they started shipping back in December, I know a lot of people have your shirts now. So how are you liking them? I’m going to wear mine to work tomorrow. Discuss, discuss. Buy, buy.

“What are you? A comedian?”
“Well, I’m no Margaret Cho…”

The Blogfather was right: Technorati is fun.
The Meatriarchy shows I’m funnier than Margaret Cho and deserving of a Bloggie by comparing her letter to Michael Moore to my letter to Michael Moore. I remember how my college roommate always considered Cho the eptiome of unfunniness, so this isn’t the greatest compliment… but hey, it’s better than saying I want to control children, am less funny than women, and want to abuse Max Beerbohm. Check it out.

Probably Won’t Win Me More Permanent Readers

Heh heh. I was quoted by Bartcop. Attribution
On a different note, in case you missed it, I plugged Blog Ads for the Blogfather. Mmm… beer.
UPDATE: Since I had trouble finding it myself, the BartCop quote from me is under the big red word “QUOTES”. I’m the lead in for his Tues-Wed, January 27-28, 2004 rants.

Further Scientifical Analysis of the Left

I’m still trying to work on my book that will analyze the methods and motives of liberals. I meant to get a whole chapter done yesterday, but something came up and I didn’t finish it. Anyway, here is what I got so far, and I’d love to hear some opinions. Is it too zany? Not zany enough?

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