A. We both are horribly abusive to children and want to control women.
I guess that needs some explanation.
Prof. Reynolds mentioned there was a article in Wired magazine about him, and I checked it out to see if they asked any hard hitting questions about his energy drink preferences. Instead, it was a list of his favorite sites. Through some typographical error, IMAO was omitted, but one that was listed was Technorati. I had completely forgotten about that site, relying on trackback pings to find out who is talking about me.
Anyhoo, I plugged imao.us into Technorati and found a blog called “A TCS Blog” that had this to say:
Attachment Parenting is excellent and quite TCS with regards to infants. And when Alice or Camille support it, they are very quick to mention the aspects of it which they disagree with. When providing links to Instapundit or IMAO, however, they rarely add qualifiers like “Just try to ignore the fact that he’s horribly abusive to children and wants to control women.”
To which I say, “Gwa?”
And what is TCS?
Actually, I know a little bit about it since, incidentally, Camille chastised me a long time ago about a post she thought was demeaning to children (I think this was the post).
Well, I’m not sure what Dan of A TCS Blog really means, so I do not yet cry “muckadoo”, but I would like to clarify my position on women and children:
I would very much like to control women (who wouldn’t?), but they are way too moody and emotional for that. Also, I think children are stupid and should be demeaned and patronized. If you think that is abuse – whatever; I don’t care. I was once a child, so I know from experience they are very dumb. If it weren’t for my parents patronizing me and talking down to me, I’d have probably stuck my fingers in an electrical socket while drinking sweet, sweet Drano. Actually, I think anyone younger than me is dumb and should be looked down upon intellectually. You hear that, 23 year olds? You’re dumb.
If those views offend anyone who believes in TCS, well, TS.
Sometimes I don’t care if anyone else finds this funny; I crack myself up.