Dr. Howard Dean – Drug Using Wife Beater

I was sent this by a reader and have no idea of it’s veracity (for one thing it describes Dean as 5’9 – yeah, on his tippy-toes – but it’s a fun read anyway 🙂 Someone run it by Snopes.

Tells Dems Your Story

Look at this message I got from the DNC:

In just a few days, Bush will give his State of the Union address, where he’ll distort his record to paint the best picture he can for his reelection campaign.
But we know the real story.
Help us tell the real state of America’s working families. Tell us your story about how your family, your neighbors, and your community have felt the sting of Bush’s policies. Have you:
Lost your job or seen local businesses forced to lay workers off?
Seen healthcare costs skyrocket?
Seen important services cut by state or local government?
Been forced to pay higher college tuition?

You can go here to tell them your story (heh heh).
My story is about a lovely lady, who was bringing up three very lovely girls. All of them had hair of hair of gold – like their mother – the youngest one in curls.
Well you get the rest.
Or maybe I could pose as Saddam: “Bush has killed by sons and taken me as a political prisoner! Please get him out of office and help me!”
BTW, I’m going to vote for whom Susie is voting for in the New Weblog Showcase. Check it out.
We have to beat those liberals. (shakes fist)