Dr. Howard Dean – Drug Using Wife Beater

I was sent this by a reader and have no idea of it’s veracity (for one thing it describes Dean as 5’9 – yeah, on his tippy-toes – but it’s a fun read anyway 🙂 Someone run it by Snopes.

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  1. God dammit. I had a chance to create a genuine internet buzz, an anti-Dean meme that would spread to the furthest corners of America…and I was fouled up by a few lousy spelling errors.
    I must be the worst forger in the world.

  2. Just one question: the form states that there were four previous complaints for the same or simular offences– if that’s the case then why couldn’t the person who found this form find the other four?
    Gee, I wish I hated someone enough to make one of those Google Bombs, my bloggers and e-zine could use the readers. -Billy Jones, Publisher IdleHandsMag.com

  3. Why bother to find out if its true? The Dems never do.
    However, Dean is not tall enough to have slapped anyone in the face. Might have been more authentic if it stated he punched her in the kneecap.

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