Miranda from Pick a city writes:
“Larry Purpuro, coordinator of the Republicans’ e.GOP Project in 2000, said many bloggers were little more than `armchair analysts in their bathrobes [with] no serious interest in leaving their living rooms to actually help the campaigns.'”
Inquiring minds want to know: Do Samurai wear bathrobes?
Well, the clothing has been compared to pajamas, but I never wear a bathrobe because this is Florida and it is too warm here. Plus, I live in my own house; at who’s accord am I being modest?
Right now I’m blogging in jam-jam bottoms and a white undershirt. Take that, Purpuro!
Earl from Des Moines, Iowa who forgot to include her URL as instructed asks:
When you become the next Dave Barry will you use your site for shameless self-promotion, abandon it altogether, or name a successor? How about Wind Rider (http://silentrunning.tv/)? Or is it too early to start nominating people?
When I become rich and powerful, I will crush anyone who might be a threat to me. There will be no successor! If Wind Rider is any good at humor, he will be destroyed! There will only be Frank! And all will mourn and weep my passing!
Edward C. writes:
Can you incorporate the term “tin-foil hats” into more of your humor? I just crack up every time I hear that.
Sorry, but Kucinich isn’t going to get the nomination.
Please keep the questions coming, <a href=”mailto:THISISSPAMTHISISSPAMace you’re from, I’ll randomly select one.
How do you know that Kerry’s hair isn’t really tin-foil? When his wife created him from a kit to replace her previous husband, she may have used tin-foil to make up any part of him (maybe even the “parts” she really was after).
If she used the stuff from female fantasies as a guide to his design, he would be a compassionate (by liberal standards) but brave man, possibly even a war hero. He would have to have french looks yet try to be presidential.
Overall, democrat robotics have come a long way since Gorbot I.
Didn’t Kucinich say he was down with hip-hop?
Didn’t Gore say he invented Hip-Hop?
Dude. That rant about a successor sounded a lot like Cate Blanchett as Galadriel in the Fellowship of the Ring. Could you post an mpeg of yourself saying “ALL WILL BOW BEFORE MY TERRIBLE BEAUTY!”?
I only saw the movie once. Shut up.
Friday. So we all know what Bill is going to do. Or should be doing. Not that he has to
If nominated, I should not run. If elected, I should not serve. However, if push comes to shove, I’ll drive him before me, crush him, and listen for the lamentations of his commenters. Maybe I should check with Murray about…
Sorry but I can’t help it:
The exact line is “Beautiful and terrible as the sea! All shall love me and despair!”
If you’re gonna say it, say it right.
Sorry, but YOU’RE WRONG TOO jackass.
The EXACT line is:
“In place of a Dark Lord you would have a queen. Not dark, but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Treacherous as the sea! Stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and despair…”
If you’re gonna say it, say it right…