Links of the Day

Man, there’s like so much stuff that happens and I can’t cover it all. Like, I keep hearing about how the “Bush lied, people died” thing was blown out of the water when they found out that Joe Wilson is the liar about something about yellow cake. But I’d have to read more to understand that, and I’m not that interested in yellow cake; I like chocolate.
Luckily there are other blogs to cover the issues I don’t.
This is why I don’t like professionals entering the blogosphere. There is this huge thing over a reported dry run of a terrorist attack on an airplane, and Michelle Malkin was actually able to get in contact with the woman who saw and wrote about it to confirm the incident. If I didn’t like Michelle Malkin so much, I’d hate her.
RightWingDuck has how he thinks the NAACP meeting went. Hey! I do the funny here!
Serenity has more on Moore (a.k.a. Fatty Fatty Fat Fat). Apparently, Michael Moore broke some law in Canada. I actually sympathize with him on this. Some years ago, I went with my family for a couple hours to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, and I was totally freaked out! Here I was in a country that didn’t understand freedom like ours, and I could inadvertently break some Mickey Mouse law without even knowing it. I sure kissed the ground when I got back to American soil.
It tasted like tar.
Rumor has it that the Iraq PM is personally executing insurgents. That kicks ass! I wish our president would personally kill more people.
And to me, it’s just hilarious that Derbyshire would write this.
Since he’s so into math, I pulled out my statistics book, and, after a couple hours of calculation, I determined there is a 0.5 probability that Derbyshire would be rated as the same Olsen twin as Jonah Goldberg. Luckily it’s not the Olsen triplets, or the problem would have increased exponentially.


  1. No Frank, that word you’re looking for at the end there is “arithmetically” 😉
    And I’m 18 and like BTO, though it’s definately not my normal playlist(Limp Bizkit is on right now, for example). For fogies, they made some pretty good music.
    Oh, and Duck – don’t bother. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? And I’m sure they accept that in court, right everybody? Glares knowingly Hehehehe…
    (Note: If my joke sucks, as I think it does, it’s because I’m tired. Blame me in the morning)

  2. no, “exponentially” was the right word.
    and i can’t think of a way to be cooler than to be the leader of a nation who personally and rightously executes the evil enemies of your state. W could learn from that man.

  3. Just saw Ms. Malkin’s Fox News appearance, and she was well spoken enough. But what stood out for me was the banner on the bottom of the screen when she was speaking.
    Axis of Weasels….
    well, that and her use of the word ‘screwed’ in the discussion. Thank god there are some people out there that toss PC to the wind and speak their minds.
    It just struck me since I hadn’t heard the AoW term used outside the blogiverse.

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