I have personally been closed out of registering to comment on LGF.
Is this right? I say that, no it is not right. But it is instead, in fact wrong. That’s right, I said it, “WRONG!”.
Am I being singled out because of my ethnic orientation? Or my coffee preference? Two creams, no sugar.
Are they trying to keep out the kooks? From the looks of things a few slipped through anyway. I don’t have a problem with that.
I DO have a problem that none of the kooks that slipped through was me, spacemonkey. I mean really, what’s one more going to hurt?
It’s not like there’s a fire code, is there? I’ll even let them check my shoes. But any sort of cavity search is OUT though. Of course, I can’t speak for the rest of the team here at IMAO.
Holy crap, for once the train left and I WAS ON IT!
Thirty years from now, I’ll be able to tell the grandkids that I…WAS THERE. One of the few, the proud. An elite cadre, if you will.
Your MoveableType is apparently a 70s drug czar, because everytime I preview, it scolds me about improper hash.
Ha! I’m already registered; I just never comment.
I should, too. If you hit post a link early in a thread, it means tons of traffic. This site and Sarah’s got mentioned late in a thread yesterday, and it’s quite visible in the refferals.
quite visible? it’s my only referral! 😉
man, people must have been really anxious to get pictures of cindy sheehan naked out of their minds. i don’t know who Pamela is, but i like her.
No kidding. I once posted a random link early in a thread (first 10 comments, yes it was relevant), and my hits went through the roof for 2 days.
Spaceminkey, you are way too liberal for LGF.
I’ve driven a tractor. I’ve hauled hay. I’m as red state as they come.
Am I Riff Raff?
Thanks, now the Time Warp is running through my head.
It’s just a jump to the left.
the political teen is a good site to get tons of hits. there you can be late since he puts his trackbacks in reverse order.
So is newsbusters. I can’t believe how many hits I got from them.
damn, i should not have given away my secret.
I’m registered. You’ve really gotta jump on the registration thing when you see that it it open. I’ve probably been to LGF 100 times and I’ve only noticed the Open registration twice.
That’s what you get for using Mozilla, which isn’t a Great Zionist Conspiracy approved web browser.
Ya pinko.
yeah, I wasn’t quick enough to register either
I have a theory. Maybe the webmaster of that site was watching Dr. Phil today.
The topic was a self-strangulation game called ‘Spacemonkey’ (I did not make that up) and they might think that you were going to make kids start choking themselves for a high.
I think that’s LGF’s troll-deflection technique. By only turning on registration for, say, a few hours a week at unannounced times, the idea is that only people interested in visiting the site regularly will catch the registration periods.
They wouldn’t let me in, either . . .
I always went to screenings as Eddie.
But that’s because I could sing.