If you’re like me, you’ve probably been looking at all of the TV coverage of the recent end the war/israel/racism/global warming protests across the nation and in response have asked yourself that deep soul searching question: “Who Cares? Isn’t there a football game somewhere?”
Well, dear readers – I care – because it has given us THIS golden image. Just ripe for a CAPTION CONTEST!!
Ahem, what exactly is that officer’s hand doing and why is Cindy so happy? You tell us…
Archive of entries posted on 26th September 2005
Fun Trivia
If God came down from Heaven and said the war in Iraq is just, would any liberals listen?
Some Unusual Blegging
Hello, Aquafans!
I need some help, and this one is a little unusual.
You see, I was just swimming around, seeing if anything in the ocean was threatening the world. I then ran into some dolphins and said, “Ahoy, my aquatic mammal friends!”
The dolphins then proceeded to shoot me with toxic darts.
Next thing I knew, I’m here in this hospital in Jamaica (lucky they have internet). Apparently, Hurricane Katrina released some U.S. military trained dolphin super-weapons!
So, my question is, does anyone know where I should start filling the legal papers for this lawsuit?
mea culpa . . .
i would like to publicly apologize to cindy sheehan — i’ve said on many occassions that i thought she was too stupid to get arrested — i was wrong — apparently even the dimmest of bulbs can earn a free trip to the pokey
i would like to volunteer to head up her defense team — yes, i will be pleading incapacity due to mental retardation — who wouldn’t believe that?
A Story, Bit-by-Bit
Superego: Part 35 – A Compromising Situation
“I’m serious!” I shouted at her, letting some indignation seep into my voice.
She calmed her laughing a bit. “I know you are, Rico. I’ve seen bad liars before, but you’re the first bad truth-teller I’ve met… it’s almost an effort for you.” She then just laughed some more, and I tried to give her a look of impatience. When she saw it, she laughed even harder. “So about all your interactions with me since we’ve met have been part of an act of pretending to be human… like that expression you just made.” She continued laughing.
“Yes.” I didn’t have to force the impatience anymore. “I’m perhaps the best killer in the known universe.”
She laughed even harder. I felt like stabbing her. “And yet, you’ve come to lowly Detective Thompson for help,” she said between guffaws, “This is just the sort of thing that would happen to me.”
“What makes you think I want your help?!”
“Well, you’re spilling your guts to me and, even though you’re an admitted psychotic killer, you’ve yet to make a very concerted effort to kill me.” She smiled smugly.
I decided it was time to wipe the smile off her face. I started to throw a right hook, but she grabbed my other hand and put it into a wrist lock, the pain keeping from moving my right hand at her. I started to reach for my gun, but she put more pressure on my wrist as she drew her own gun and pressed it against my temple.
Like that, I was deadmeat. She goaded me into making an emotional attack, making me go for hand-to-hand where I’m weaker. “You’re smarter than I thought.”
“But dumber than I thought to get myself in this very compromising position you’ve led me into, Rico.” She pushed her gun harder against my head while continuing to twist my wrist. “Something always seemed wrong with you, but I had no idea when I saw you for who you really are, you’re just a confused little kid.”
“I think you’re underestimating me now,” I growled.
“Actually, most little kids still know right from wrong.” She chuckled. “Hitting a woman is wrong, by the way.”
“Considers the woman.”
She laughed again. I stared at her neck wanting to get my hands around it, but realized I needed to crush those emotions before I made this worse. “I guess you laugh as part of controlling your fear.”
That really set her off. She was in tears, twisting my wrist harder the more she laughed. “Now I’m being psychoanalyzed by the psychopath. You’re probably right, though. Anyway, I’ll help you, Rico; I guess it’s my Christian duty. What’s your plan with me, anyway?”
“I’m going to make a huge confrontation between the Corloni and Randatti and get as many killed as possible. I wanted you to help me set things up in exchange for giving you enough information to keep civilians and police from getting caught in the mix.”
“Sorta sounds like a police matter to me.”
“There will be too many here for you people to handle; you’ll all just get slaughtered. It’s much bigger than you’re little governments now.”
She seemed to consider this seriously for a while. “So, how long have you been a hitman for the Corloni?”
“Uh… since about when I was old enough to hold a gun. It’s what I’m good at.”
“How many people have you killed?”
“Sentients? Uh… thousands, I guess.”
“Thousands,” she repeated, no emotion on her face. “If you’re such a great killer, why do they want you dead?”
“Not sure. The message Dip is holding for me may answer that.”
“And why so many hitman are going to come just to kill Gredler?”
“I want the Randatti to think it’s for Gredler; they’ll be coming for me. Like I said, I’m the best killer in the known universe, and Corloni knows how dangerous I am far better than Randatti.”
Yes, that statement was a bit ironic when a blond woman had me at her mercy, a single finger twitch between me and death.
Diane seemed to be thinking a lot right now. I was going to stop pretending I knew what was going on in her head. “I need to think about this; you keep up whatever your plan was when Gredler gets back to you. First, we’re going to my apartment where you’re going to help me get some stuff. I don’t think it will be safe for me there since you’ve involved me in all this.” She let go of my wrist and put her gun away, her expression stoic. “Why don’t you talk to Dip and get your message.”
She took control of the vehicle while I rubbed my wrist and hailed Dip. “What’s the message?”
“Is Diane still alive?”
“I killed her and dumped her in a ditch as originally planned,” I said irately, “What’s the message?”
“It was sent as an e-mail from a so far untraceable source.”
“And it says…”
“The subject is ‘Why.'”
“The content is ‘Antero.'”
It shouldn’t have been a surprise. Still, it hit me hard to know what had caused my little world to collapse. They just had to give me more guidance, and this never would have happened.
“Any idea who sent the message?”
I ignored Dip. Diane was now looking at me, and I think there was concern on her face. “You might as well tell me,” she said.
She’d probably wish she pulled the trigger when she had the chance if I did.
Need New Category
Man, I Wish I Had a Dog
Quick! Go see my new post on RightWingNews before John Hawkins sees it and deletes it!
(For the record, the photos were all Cadet Happy’s ideas.)
In My World: Stuck on Stupid
“Not another giant hurricane!” Bush griped, “Maybe I did make God angry. Think I should convert to Judaism?”
“No,” Laura Bush answered.
“I just know I’m going to get blamed for this,” Bush moaned, “and it even hit Texas! Why couldn’t it go for Mexico where no one lives that anyone cares about?”
“These things just happen, dear.”
“They didn’t happen to Clinton! This is so unfair!”
“Well, life – and presidencies – can be unfair.”
“Still, I just hope nothing bad happens for the rest of my term.”
Rumsfeld ran into the room, grabbed Bush by the neck, and lifted him into the air. “Rarr! You sent more troops to Iraq! I told you I didn’t need more troops!”
“I only sent two!” Bush gasped back, “Jenna and Barbara!”
“You did what?” Laura exclaimed.
Rumsfeld dropped Bush, growled, and left the room. “I signed them up for the Marines,” Bush explained to Laura, “People said it would prove I believed in my war.”
“Only idiots would say that!” Laura responded.
“And I have to appeal to idiots if we are ever going to eat into the Democrat base!”
“Do you even have the authority to sign people up for the militarily? They’re both adults!”
“I can do what I want!” Bush asserted as he stood up straight, “I’m the President!” Laura glowered at him. “Anyway,” he added, “I’m sure they’ll be fine.”
Laura rolled her eyes. “Based on what history?”
“I can’t stand it here, Barbara! It’s hot, it’s dusty, and there is no place to plug in a hair curler.”
“And these clothes they make us wear were not made by Versace,” Barbara said, staring at her uniform.
Buck the Marine walked up to them. “Are you the new Marines?” he asked dubiously.
“I once studied marine biology,” Jenna answered.
“Why does everyone speak gibberish around here?” Barbara asked.
“Uh… did you two go through boot camp?”
“What camp?” Jenna said with confusion.
“That’s some stupid military lingo,” Barbara explained.
Buck eyed the two uncertainly. “Well, since both your nametags say ‘Bush,’ we’ll have to come up with nicknames for each of you.”
“I’ll be ‘Princess!'” Jenna chimed in.
Barbara pulled out her KaBar. “You only said that because you knew that would be my choice! I’ll murder you dead!”
Jenna pulled out her knife. “Not if I murder you first!”
Buck pulled the two apart. “Save it for the enemy! Now, you at least qualified at the rifle range, right?”
“It was noisy there,” Barbara answered, “and, by the way, I don’t want anyone to bother us early in the morning again. As you can plainly see on our tent, it says, ‘Private.'”
“And, for first class tents,” Jenna added, “They really suck.”
“‘Private First Class’ is your rank,” Buck told them.
Jenna looked to Barbara with confusion. “It’s more of the military lingo,” Barbara explained.
There was an explosion nearby. “That’s loud too,” Jenna commented, covering her ears.
“It’s mortars!” Buck yelled as he dropped to the ground, “Hit the deck!”
Jenna and Barbara just stared at him. “Our clothes look bad enough as it is,” Jenna explained, “We’re not going to go and get sand on them too and look like a couple of hobos.”
“And when do we get leave to go shopping?” Barbara asked, “And do you know of some place we can buy other things than headscarves?”
There was the whistle of another mortar in the air, and then the Bush twins’ tent exploded.
“My CDs were in there!” Jenna cried.
“We are so going to have post traumatic stress disorder from this,” Barbara griped.
“Like I said,” Bush assured Laura again, “They’ll be fine. They take after me. Now why don’t you go to the Presidential Library and order the books in that funky number system you like so much.”
“I just might do that,” Laura said as she left the room.
Scott McClellan came in. “I need help handling the press,” he said, “Your poll numbers are still a bit precarious, and how you were videotaped beating up a number of orphan children isn’t helping.”
“I thought I told you to explain to the press that they were staring at me,” Bush answered.
“That doesn’t seem to settle the issue.”
Bush thought for a moment. “Let’s try handling the press the way that General Honore did. Tell the reporters that they’re ‘stuck on stupid’ and should be asking questions pertaining to the next orphans I’ll be beating up.”
“Uh…” Scott started to stammer, but was interrupted by a shout.
“You murdered my son!” came a bullhorn from outside.
Bush looked out the window. “It’s Cindy Sheehan!” he exclaimed, “I thought she was dead!”
“As I explained to you before,” Scott answered, “Just because someone isn’t in the news cycle anymore, doesn’t mean he or she ceases to exist.”
“I’m always in the news cycle,” Bush muttered as he opened the window. He then shouted out, “I didn’t kill your son, you dumb broad!” He looked out a while longer. “She’s got a bit of a crowd with her; I think a rocket propelled grenade would disperse them. Get me a grenade launcher!”
“Uh… I think that would be murder,” Scott answered.
“I didn’t ask for a legal opinion; I asked for a grenade launcher!” Bush shot back.
“It’s not like I keep one on me as a press secretary,” Scott replied.
“Now what do I do,” Bush groaned. An idea then struck him. “Does Cindy Sheehan have any other sons? I could murder one of them, and then I really will have murdered her son! That will put things back to normal!”
Scott just stared at Bush aghast for a few seconds. “I think you’re stuck on stupid, sir.”
Quitting smoking
Jake, my coworker, is quitting smoking. He’s on The Gum right now.
He’s already gotten past the cranky and bitchy and grouchy stages, which is kind of a drag since it would have been very interesting to watch him go through them. Instead, he went through them during a 19 hour drive to Dallas or San Antonio or Anywhere But Here last week.
Anyway, I’m in the process of quitting crackers-and-cheese and beef jerky and gatorade. Seems I went on a junk food bender during the storm with all of my relief supplies, since Whole Foods doesn’t sell granola vegan hippy-happy disaster packs.
I figure I should just buy a steak, stick it on my arm, and say it’s a Meat Patch.
Pardon me if I’m bitchier than usual in the next few days. It’s going to be a rough ride.
Also, the gasoline supplies are coming into town, so the gigantic gaundy gasoline-fountains of Downtown Houston are being turned back on. Two deep lungfuls of fumes and I’m back in the halcyon headiness that is my city.
Just don’t light a match.
Today’s Haiku
Serenity now
Is but all I truly want.
Confirmation, please?
If You Enjoyed this Post by Frank J., You Can Read More of His Work at RightWingNews
Guess who is guest blogging at RightWingNews today? Come on, guess!
No fair, you clicked on the link. Anyway, I have one post up now, but I have another for him since I don’t think the first one keeps up the RightWingNews name. I’ll tell you when I post it.
And I’ll post here, too. Yay!
EXCLUSIVE!!! Counter Protest Babe Photo Blending?
Has there been counter-protest photo blending by the Instapundit?
I know Prof. Reynolds likey da protest babes. But tweaking their um, images to make them more titilating? Well, surely something like that is below Reynolds. But a call like that’s for a far more trained eye than mine. Let me show you the goods.
Continue reading ‘EXCLUSIVE!!! Counter Protest Babe Photo Blending?’ »