i would like to publicly apologize to cindy sheehan — i’ve said on many occassions that i thought she was too stupid to get arrested — i was wrong — apparently even the dimmest of bulbs can earn a free trip to the pokey
i would like to volunteer to head up her defense team — yes, i will be pleading incapacity due to mental retardation — who wouldn’t believe that?
Let’s hope she stays…
first, btw…
Let’s hope she gets tortured while there!
I feel for the people in the can with her.
What is so sickening is the Gleeful look on her face. She is having so much fun that she must be kicking herself for not figuring a way to have her son killed years sooner.
Too late Frank, Lynn Stewart already has a defense team set up in Cell 243.
Worst news is the Bitch in the Ditch is already out…
Brilliant! Funniest thing on tv tonight. They were chanting “the whole world is watching” and I was and laughing long and loudly.
Why appologize? It took “500k” “minds” to come up with this idea. (And it’s so stupid.)
I suggest that we transfer Cindy to a more appropriate jail. Can you say “Abu Ghraib”?
{big grin}
The Hat