The Battle Isn’t Over

Nothing poignant to say today – especially in light of the tragedy we’re dealing with right now. My brother is out there fighting, and we’re here trying to remind people so that more deaths aren’t to come – and maybe help work towards the end the tragedy of radical Islam that gets more victims each day.
Should not that today is the birthday of the king of photoshopping, Cadet Happy. Don’t think one could have a worse birthday… other than the ephemeral February 29th.
God, please bless and keep our troops safe, and help those in New Orleans and their families. And most of all, give us long memories.

Extra Bags

Unlike probably every other Republican or conservative to ever live, I am really glad the body count of victims in NOLA is turning out to be lower than expected. [Note to self: find news story to back this up, the fatality numbers, not the sweeping generalization of rascally racist Republicans]
Maybe the extra body bags can be used for sack races to cheer people up, if not being dead doesn’t help.

Four Years

What do I think of 9/11?

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