Nothing poignant to say today – especially in light of the tragedy we’re dealing with right now. My brother is out there fighting, and we’re here trying to remind people so that more deaths aren’t to come – and maybe help work towards the end the tragedy of radical Islam that gets more victims each day.
Should not that today is the birthday of the king of photoshopping, Cadet Happy. Don’t think one could have a worse birthday… other than the ephemeral February 29th.
God, please bless and keep our troops safe, and help those in New Orleans and their families. And most of all, give us long memories.
Happy Birthday and God Bless
Thanks, Frank… keep up all the good work- it helps keep us all sane (and laughing!).
I Will Not Forget
I consider it a great day because it is my dad’s brithday as well. I think it is great to think of folks like your brother who fight to make his 72nd birthday a great and safe day. Say thanks to your brother for me.
Frank- thank Joe F’ for me.
And Lord PLEASE, let us not forget.
9th Crusade… anyone…?
Off Topic.
Just watched 60 Minutes and saw a very well produced program. Just like the old days when I was a kid and 60 min had credibility.
Then came on Andy Rooney.
Question: Is it mean to hate old people?
I ask the question because.
He’s an ASS!
I’ll take a piece of that.
I commemortaed this day by praying for the dead during the Liturgy and by stripping and cleaning my M-14 and my 1911 A1 this afternoon.
Both reminded me of the event and of the proper response to it.
Tsar Lazar
I know how to help New Orleans:
Drop Michael Moore in the Levve gap!
hell, that would help just about everyone!
The Discovery Channel had on a very well-made docudrama on the heroes of Flight 93. May their sacrifice never be forgotten.
My feelings about this day are so difficult to put into words. I’m sure most people remember where they were when they heard about the planes hitting the WTC. I was in weapons training at work. (Fitting, actually) That footage of the planes hitting the WTC and the collapse really should be shown on a regular basis to remind people of what we are fighting against.
I forgot what channel that documentary was on. Luckily they reran it and I just caught the last 5 minutes of it.
Extended family was one of the main points. Always remember was another.
One member of our extended family that needs your prayers is Lance Cpl. Chris Browne. He was the lone survivor of a roadside bomb attack on a personnel carrier. He’s in a burn unit in Texas.
Hang in there, buddy. We need you.
Boy do I feel like a schmuck.
Lance Cpl. Chris Borne.
I was in college getting my liberal indoctrination (or so my professors were trying), and it was in between classes. I walked into the book store and noticed a crowd of people staring at the TV hanging from the ceiling. I followed their gaze and saw something about the World Trade Center. Making nothing of it, I walked up to the newspaper office to get some work done (I was the movie critic, don’t kill me), and everyone there was listening to it on the radio. At the time, I had no clue of the scale of the attacks, and what kind of damage they did. It was only after we were let out early, and I started watching coverage on TV at home that I realized the full extent of the attacks. At this time, pundits were still wildly speculating on the number of dead (kind of like Katrina), and some firebrands were actually suggesting a nuclear retaliation.
My oldest son turned 10 yesterday (9/11). He, obviously, turned 6 on that day. He really HATES having 9/11 as a birthday, but I think he’s starting to make peace with it.
Each year, people point it out less and less. One really nice lady remarked to him, “I’m really glad to know that something nice happened on that day too.” That was good for him to hear.
My oldest turned 13 yesterday as well. It really took us until this birthday practically to really be able to celebrate again, to separate the two events in our heads. And it just makes me hate the f****ers even more…for taking something from my kid (ya know, the old mama bear thing comes out in me – don’t mess with the cubs!!)