Extra Bags

Unlike probably every other Republican or conservative to ever live, I am really glad the body count of victims in NOLA is turning out to be lower than expected. [Note to self: find news story to back this up, the fatality numbers, not the sweeping generalization of rascally racist Republicans]
Maybe the extra body bags can be used for sack races to cheer people up, if not being dead doesn’t help.


  1. I do not know what NOLA is, nor do I know what sort of people live there, but still I hunger for their blood and oil (if they don’t have oil, I am sure they have something else of value for me to steal).

  2. I would like nothing better than for so few people to have died. But at the risk of being morbid, I wonder if the low body counts (so far) are mostly because they haven’t started digging in the mud for bodies yet, or if maybe some of the bodies were washed out to sea.

  3. Pomoze Bog.
    I have a friend in Pennsylvania who works for a county coroner’s office. He uses a body bag as a “suitcase” for his golf clubs when he goes on vacation, and he has several at home for storing seasonal clothes in under his bed. Pretty useful things, actually—watertight and durable.
    Tsar Lazar

  4. It is sad that my cynical self tends to think that the incredulous body numbers put out by the leftist press and mayor had a twofold purpose – two blame Bush and to jack up the guilt and horror to insure more money comes in to play with. But, what else can one think of people who call the murder of 40 million innocent lives, a good thing! It’s freedom! (choice)

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