Sheehan Changes Name In Bid To Remain Newsworthy

Today antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan announced the paperwork to change her name legally to Hurricane Bushisawarcriminal has been filed.
Citing an extreme low pressure region behind her eyes, she predicts that she “will be the most devastating blast of hot air to strike at an American president in recent time, at least since what happened to Clinton.” She added, she has no plans to dissipate while over land either and intends to be very unpredictable.

“You’ll definitely want to closely watch me, Hurricane Bushisawarcriminal, since neither logic, facts, reason nor prevailing wind of current opinon control my movements”

, she stated.
The following probability cone was released in conjunction with the announcement.

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Serenity Now!

Thanks to sandor at the zoo telling me about the opportunity, I’ve signed up for the press screening of Serenity in Orlando on Tuesday (I haven’t been this excited to see a movie in a long while). Any other bloggers going to be going to the Orlando screening?

Carnival, scratch that, BonFire of Comedy Number 21 is UP

Apparently Mr < a href=””>BASIL (Hah all CAPS, thats right, that’ll show you, you rebel) thinks he can just ignore my rules for categorizing the carnival entries.
Instead he just ridicules them, all of them, even HARVEY’S entry!
Well, you can go see this flagrant violation of longstanding, universally accepted and somewhat, dare I say it, hallowed Carnival of comedy rules at the current Carnival Bonfire of Comedy here
BASIL’S site will remain up even if BASIL himself suffers mild to badgerous harm.

I’ll Update When I Update

Sorry to not posting anything so far today. Real busy at work right now. I have an IMW started as I do the next part of Superego, but I’m not sure when I’ll get to them.
BTW, as SarahK has started taking over administrative duties of the site, she’s added our wedding registry to the left side bar. How many cooking utensils do we need?

Because I Need to at Least Pretend to Care

With Rita being a Category 5, any ideas what we should do for Laurence Simon’s memorial service? I was thinking something tasteful and dignified but then realized that totally wouldn’t fit.
Seriously, everyone pray for Laurence Simon and family… even though he killed Jesus.

Bugging out

Looking at the latest projections and going through at least two changes of shorts, looks like I’ll be heading further north after all sometime later today.
I will not entrust our three cats to shelters and humane societies. We lost one this year already. We will not risk losing others, despite the good-hearted intentions of those who would take them in.
Clearing the patio of future UFO’s. Will post before and after photos.
Have 45, 10, and 59 been set as all-lanes-outbound yet? Or did they hand off the escape route planning to Ray Nagin and he’s officially declared I-610 the way out of town?