The next installment of Superego is ready and will be posted tomorrow. Also tomorrow… a special surprise!
Now, enough writing for tonight…
Archive of entries posted on 25th September 2005
For Monday… A Post!
Guess what I just finished writing?
An In My World™! I’ll post it tomorrow. Now, I need to work on some more posts as this should be another busy week at work.
I hope you all really appreciate I’m spending my Sunday night writing posts for you guys; if not, then why don’t you go start a diary on the DailyKos!
Serenity Now?
I’m a big Firefly fan (remember when I had Jayne endorse Bush?), gotten my sister, my mother (I spent a vacation in Sun Valley staying in our hotel room watching all the episodes with them on my laptop), SarahK, and my brother Joe foo’ the Marine hooked on the series (he’s watched the 14 episodes of it multiple times while in Iraq – probably has already seen the movie on a bootleg Iraqi DVD), thus I was very excited at the opportunity to go to a press screening in Orlando this Tuesday so I can see it early and put up a review (and hopefully SarahK will have the podcast review before it comes out on Friday). Ends up, as of now, I am not guaranteed a seat.
What? You mean I may drive all the way to Orlando on a weeknight – taking all those tolls and gas costs – and not even get to see the Firefly movie Serenity?
Grace Hills Media is calling this press screening for bloggers the “Serenity Blogger Bonanza” (ugh – still, it’s nice to seem them trying a blog publicity campaign) and has a few requirement to earn our chance at the screening.
Fine. I’ll jump through a few hoops. Anyhoo, here’s the film’s synopsis:
Joss Whedon, the Oscar® – and Emmy – nominated writer/director responsible for the worldwide television phenomena of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE, ANGEL and FIREFLY, now applies his trademark compassion and wit to a small band of galactic outcasts 500 years in the future in his feature film directorial debut, Serenity. The film centers around Captain Malcolm Reynolds, a hardened veteran (on the losing side) of a galactic civil war, who now ekes out a living pulling off small crimes and transport-for-hire aboard his ship, Serenity. He leads a small, eclectic crew who are the closest thing he has left to family –squabbling, insubordinate and undyingly loyal.
I don’t think that’s particularly very good, so I’d like my readers who are fans of the series (and those who have seen the movie already) put better explanations of the series and movie (spoiler-free) in the comments.
There, that’s one hoop jumped through. Now, I’m going to e-mail them and explain to them I am Frank J. and there isn’t a bigger blogger in the Orlando area you could get involved with this. Hopefully, I can get confirmation before Tuesday night.
If they don’t let me in, though I will swear in Chinese, but I’m going to hype the movie, because, if you’ve watched the series, you’d know why this needs to be a blockbuster. If you haven’t seen the series, go rent DVDs now. Actually, just trust me and buy them; you’ll want to show them to everyone else just like me.
Oh, and before I forget (another hoop), here’s the official movie site where you can watch the trailers for the film. They’re shiny (that means really good, for the uninitiated)!
Man, I want to see this film… and NOW!