(A Filthy Lie)
I knew that Instapundit’s been getting worried about Michele Malkin’s increasing popularity in the Ecosystem, and I heard a rumor that he was going to start buying BlogAds to keep his traffic up, but I was still a little surprised the first time I saw this:
Archive of entries posted on 2nd September 2005
Lessons from Katrina
Here are some of the things I’ve learned from watching the coverage of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.
What Katrina Can Teach Us.
It’s basic human nature: When resources run out — people will begin to loot for the basics — food, water, and big screen TV’s.
Money is flowing into the charity coffers. Charitable organizations can always use the extra money to fund rescue, provide comfort, and fund Air America.
Katrina was named after the Greek Goddess of global warming. At least — that’s what you hear when you talk to liberals.
Given a choice between compassion for those suffering and hating President Bush — many on the Left would choose the latter.
We still have many people clinging to hope and praying for rescue. Pray for them.
Conditions in the Superdome were bad. Poop on the floor and garbage everywhere. Thankfully, some people are being moved to the Houston Astrodome where the only remaining smell is the stench of Astro failure.
It makes sense that the first American city to be destroyed would be the one with the strongest French influence.
Hope the city gets rebuilt quickly — Girls Gone Wild is waiting to restart filming.
If you want to see boobs in New Orleans you’ll have to wait until the next official press conference.
The job of the Mayor is to take care of the people in his city. When he fails at that — his secondary job becomes blaming the federal government.
We have some of the best rescue people in the world. Thank you for your efforts.
This is big. Nothing like this has ever happened before. Be patient with the rescuers. They’re doing the best they can.
Bush’s response to foreign hurricane help: “Tactless”
“Bush’s response was so tactless,” a liberal told me today. “He could have told the other nations ‘thank you for the offer but we’ll handle it’ but he didn’t. My teenage daughter was yelling at the TV yesterday because of it.”
Interesting that liberals consider this “tactless” response from the President when asked during a live TV interview with ABC News’ Diane Sawyer about his stance on hurricane aid from foreign nations:
President Bush: “I’m not expecting much from foreign nations because we haven’t asked for it. I do expect a lot of sympathy and perhaps some will send cash dollars. But this country’s going to rise up and take care of it. You know, we would love help, but we’re going to take care of our own business as well, and there’s no doubt in my mind we’ll succeed. And there’s no doubt in my mind, as I sit here talking to you, that New Orleans is going to rise up again as a great city.”
State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters on Thursday that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice decided “no offer [from foreign governments] that can help alleviate the suffering of the people in the afflicted area will be refused.”
Even the communist news service in China reported on White House spokesman Scott McClellan’s briefing where he said: “[The United States is] open to all offers of assistance from other nations, and I would expect we would take people up on offers of assistance when it’s necessary.”
18# Week Edition Hurricane Comedy Of Carnival
18# Week Edition Hurricane Comedy of Carnival
(this post text of some may need rearranging, due to damage storm from the wind)
Rampage Doc at up is carnival new thE.
Enjoy. Thanks Doc. He put in all nighter pulling this weeks carnival together.
Countdown has started for new IMAudiO
As of 2am Eastern/11pm Pacific on Friday/Thursday, the IMAO Podcast (or “IMAudiO” for those of you without iPods) was voted into the NUMBER ONE SLOT ON PODCAST ALLEY by a single vote.
If the fans can keep us in the top slot for a full and consecutive 24 hour period, we will release a new IMAudiO production this September 5 to reward our loyal listeners.
Thank you for your votes and for believing in IMAO!
As The Dome Turns
Apparently, the fire marshal and the people who plan disaster relief don’t communicate, because Houston offered up 24,000 folks a cot and three hots at the Astrodome but the gates have been shut at 12,000 or so.
We here in Houston are used to this kind of screw up. Although what we’re really waiting for is when the refugees threaten to relocate to Tennessee because there aren’t adequate luxury box accommodations and the astroturf isn’t fit for play.