From what I’m hearing from those involved with IMAudiO (a.k.a. the IMAO Podcast) production, it’s doubtful you the fans will hear anything new from the IMAO Podcast by the Wednesday release date.
While you’re patiently waiting, here are some politically-conservative audio offerings on the Internet from friends of IMAO that you can listen to right now:
- Shelley The Republican analyzes the root causes of the French riots in her latest audio and asks “if Tom DeLay is found guilty, should conservatives riot because things didn’t go our way?”
- Our own Laurence Simon rips into an anti-Semite in the latest audio from Shire News Network, the audio wing of Silent Running, the premier Anglosphere blog from Down Under.
- Speaking of Down Under and Laurence Simon, you can hear Aussie Dave from IsraellyCool give shout outs to Lair, Yours Truly, and IMAO.
- Finally, there’s the relentlessly foul-mouthed Jim K. at Starkcast. Jim’s NOT SAFE FOR WORK OR CHILDREN show this week features audio from Satan’s recruitment video starring Hitler, Stalin, and Hillary (probably not the first time those three have been mentioned in the same sentence) at 24mins and 40secs into his show. I mention the “recruitment video” because I provide two of the voices, but the rest of the Starkcast is all Jim and you should send him your hate mail if you get offended.
What are your suggestions for other political conservative audio on the Internet? Please leave them in the Comments
UPDATE: Shelley the Republican (now going by the cool moniker of “STR”) acknowledged the hat tip from me on her blog just before she posted some interesting stats on violence in the ten most populous Muslim nations. Good read, STR!