Marty McFly vs. Captain Kirk

Of all the thousands of lawyer shows current on TV, ABC’s Boston Legal with William Shatner, is one of them.
To boost ratings, the producers of Boston Legal are busy promoting (I don’t consider promoting a dirty word) the fact a big star will be making his return to TV after many years of being away: Michael J. Fox.
I guess the producers of Boston Legal wanted to shake things up a bit…


  1. oh.
    I get it.
    Parkinson’s disease makes its victims tremble. Fox has this disease, so he trembles.
    Shake. Parkinson’s.
    What wit. What cleverness. I am absolutely slain, here.
    Your momma must be so effing proud.

  2. I’ve watched Boston Legal for some time now. I like the Denny Crane character; he could almost fit well into an IMAO podcast, IMAO 😉
    Remember long ago when Michael J. Fox played conservative Alex P. Keaton on “Family Ties”?

  3. In the interest of sensitivity beaten into us by Grendle’s scathing – which is certainly not to say, hyperreactionary – rebuttal, I propose IMAO make a conciliatory gesture to the Parkinsons-enabled community.
    Say, funding a project to create a keyboard for Parkinsons-enabled persons. They use the internet too, you know…

  4. No no, it was quite definitely not hyperreactionary, as indicated by the “not to say” which preceded it.
    I note that despite your sensitivity, you didn’t even offer to contribute to the Parkinsons’ keyboard project fund. You apparently think six-inch-square keycaps are cheap to mass-produce, but I assure you, they’re not.

  5. Saw en episode where Denny Crane is up fly fishing in Alaska.
    An environmental lawyer asks him for help in a case about sea lice from fish farms infecting wild salmon.
    He goes off on the environmentalist, calls him an evildoer and rants.
    Later, the guy he’s travelling with is reading a book about the sea lice. He informs Denny that they are also called Cling-ons because of the way they adhere to the fish.
    Denny raises his eyebrow and says, all Shatneresque, and sez “Did you say Klingons?”
    Then Denny says
    “So whats the worst case, the salmon are extinct in 20 years?”
    His buddy agrees.
    Denny replies. “So what do I care? I’m 72. I’ll be extinct in 10.”
    Very “In My World”.

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