Hello, Aquafans.
Sorry I haven’t been keeping you up with the latest Aqua-Adventures in the comics, but lots of things and stuff have been happening underwater. Still, I have good news for you. Tonight on WB (the greatest of all the networks) I will be appearing in Smallville (well, an actor playing me will be in it). So, make sure to watch it to make it the highest rated episode of any TV show ever to show your support of me, Aquaman.
I don’t like what Aint It Cool News is calling me. Bunch of hacks.
i’ve been banned from commenting here!
unless this comment goes through.
was it my excessive shameless self-promotion?
anyway, why no picture of yourself? you know we love to see you in those sexy tights!
Sorry, Aquaman, but I checked and am already tivoing two different shows in that timeslot. Maybe someone else can watch it and give a summary.
Why won’t they make a HD Tivo that can record three shows at once?!
I guess Grendel would REALLY hate this
Oh sure…the president nominates a third rate candidate for the supreme court and rather than coming to the rescue of our country like a true super hero what does AquaHomo decide to do…co-star on an episode of Queer Eye for The Straight Guy! Problem is…this episode won’t have a “Staight Guy”… Typical AquoQueer!!!
I watched the aquaman episode. In it, There was a Chaotic Good/Lawful Good/Lawful Evil dynamic. I found the plot extremely ridiculous.
Okay, Lex Luthor is developing a sonic antisubmarine weapon. It kills fish, so Aquaman is lured in to detroy it, eco-terrorist style.
This episode seems to be taking place in a political vacuum. They had the internet, so it’s obviously set in the 90’s or later. Submarines are not so much a problem, as a weapon, the cold war is over. The military would be stupid to plunk down a good deal of cash for the weapon proposed even if it didn’t kill fish.
Aquaman’s personality in the episode is basically “dumb jock”. They make fun of his breath, fashion sense, etc.
Aquaman does not talk to fish during the episode. He is never referred to as Aquaman by himself, Clark, etc.
His powers displayed are: being a very fast swimmer, and a strange bubble attack, where he propels a water bubble so fast it knocked superman out of the water.
This bubble attack reminded me of the Rasengen attack used by Naruto, in the Anime series. Aquaman was stupid and blond like Naruto, so it was kinda fitting. I was halfway expecting Aquaman to start speaking Japanese.
All in all, it was amusing.