When asked: “Am I Evil?” Scott replies: “Not as much as you’d think”

I ran the URL of a website other than IMAO that I’m affiliated with through the Gematriculator and received a result that I’m certain will be a shock to many:
This site is certified 99% GOOD by the Gematriculator
According to the Gematriculator website “Experts consider the mathematical patterns in the text of the Holy Bible as God’s watermark of authenticity. Thus, the Gematriculator provides only results that are absolutely correct.”
Sadly, the Gematriculator says that IMAO on average has significantly more evil:
This site is certified 67% GOOD by the Gematriculator
Don’t get me wrong, IMAO still gets an acceptable grade in goodness but since the Gematriculator gave the other website that I’m a principal player on a 99% rating, I have to wonder who in IMAO is dragging down that goodness average?
I suppose you will all rush to cast the first stone in the Comments


  1. I have to wonder who in IMAO is dragging down that goodness average?
    I blame the commenters here. They’re all a bunch of lazy, shiftless, evil people.
    Frank J., I take it you don’t read the comments?

  2. Since this is primarily a political blog:
    http://www.georgewbush.com redirects to http://www.gop.com, which is 70% good.
    http://www.whitehouse.gov/vicepresident/ is 61% good.
    http://www.defenselink.mil/bios/rumsfeld.html is 82% good.
    http://www.rice2008.com/ is 51% good.
    http://www.jerrykilgore.com is 56% good.
    http://www.johnkerry.com is 76% good.
    http://www.democRats.org is 92% good.
    http://www.moveon.org is 49% good.
    http://clinton.senate.gov is 45% good.
    http://www.timkaine.com is 85% good.
    Right average: 64% good.
    Left average: 69.4% good.
    Oh, and my personal site is 87% good.

  3. Frank J., I don’t mean to hassle you all the time. It just happens.
    In case you take it personally, FYI, I own quite a few guns. Including 2 assault rifles and I can truthfully say that while firing two revolvers at once, the .44 magnum, with 7 3/4″bbl, was the least powerful revolver in my hands.

  4. Ha, while you lazy people where just doing URL’s, I was getting to the bottom of it.
    The ‘Preamble’ for the Communist Manifesto- (get this)
    84% EVIL!
    It’s a sign from GOD. Commies are evil, kill all Commies!
    (psst: previous phrase; 91% GOOD. See what I mean about a sign from God?!?)

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