Light Blogging At Instapundit Explained

(A Filthy Lie)
Glenn Reynolds recently apologized for a spate of light blogging at Instapundit, claiming to be “busy” with his new book. However, recent leaks from Scooter Libby show that he was actually working on a viable “exit strategy” to bring the troops home from Iraq, which the House is voting on tonight. The full text of the strategy follows in the extended entry…

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Thou Art The Leaker!

With apparently everyone already having known about Joe Wilson’s wife secret agent status except for Patrick Fitzgerald, there are obviously some leak problems. When I hear secret information has been disclosed, I always think of the same suspect: Jesus! Jesus has access to all classified information, and, since he’s always popping up in things like tortillas, he has plenty of ways to secretly leak that information.
If you see Jesus, make sure to contact Patrick Fitzgerald. Also, hide your drug stash because seeing Jesus might mean the rapture has started.

Potter Mania!

Hooray! The new Harry Potter movie premieres today! And, if you’re like me, you’ve got Potter Fever! The symptoms of which are:
* Irritable mood swings.
* Blood in your stool.
* Loss of sense of purpose.
* Projectile vomiting.
* Respiratory trouble.
* Violent hallucinations.
If you have all that, no reason to call Dr. House; you’re infected with Potter Fever and the only cure is to go see the movie! I already pre-ordered tickets for the DLP showing (no cigarette burns for me) at the local cinema. I hear this one is quite different from the book, though. For one thing, the pictures will move. Also, while the book was almost all text, there will be very little reading in the movie. Furthermore, I can’t take it to the can or whap my cat with it. Despite the differences of the movie from the book, I’m sure I’ll enjoy it (currently, Rotten Tomatoes has it at 89%!).
One thing, though, this one is rated PG-13. Here is a list of what’s in the movie that might not be appropriate for children. Another thing I’d add to the list is that I might be there, and I’ll hurt your children if they make noise.
Potter Mania! Yay!

I’m Afraid to Ask

But what’s a “peek-a-boo babydoll”?
Anyway, click the link for more information on OSM from Iowahawk. I promise that, when I get my yacht, I’ll let you all look at it.

Letter from a Soldier

This is a must read.
(Thanks to Michelle Malkin)

Friday Catblogging

Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”).
Today, it’s Nardo the Mutant telling Santa what he wants for Christmas… well… um… sorta…

If you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Nardo is… um…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.
(For more animal goodness, try Friday Ark today and Carnival of the Cats on Sundays.)

Now We’re Up to Eight

NAACP chief makes switch to GOP
Go ahead and have some headline fun in the comments.

Note on Martha

Everybody seems so interested that the supposedly hawkish Democrat Representative Martha has suddenly called for an immediate withdrawal of troops (actually, not suddenly). Well, I remember when my roommate in college (who was in Navy ROTC) wrote an editorial in the local paper about how Martha has not been a good military supporter – and that was back in the 90’s if I recall correctly.
Of course, my roommate was working on Martha’s opponent’s campaign, but that’s neither here nor there.

Shut Up and Be Funny

Morning, sportsfans. One of the editors over at Baen was doing a “Why I would reject your manuscript” topic in Baen’s Bar for those who didn’t mind getting his or her feelings hurt. When she got to my reedited Superego, to my delight she said she wouldn’t reject it outright, and then passed the story on to another editor. The verdict came back that there was too much redundancy of the main character basically saying over and over, “I’m a sociopath.” Sounds like it might be salvagable after a decent amount of rewriting, but I’m going to leave it be for now. I am inspired instead to try writing some short stories (certainly shorter than Superego) before working on full novel. Those will probably be posted over at Baen’s Bar while I’ll just put up links here when I have one, and thus IMAO will remain devoted to humor for those who are worrying.
BTW, the first In My World™ compilation will be cool and done soon since I want your money. Also, I just love reading my old IMWs since they’re just so darn funny; I really am a humor god.