you make the call

what is behind the door that would make President Bush react so negatively?
looks like frank might be looking at the same thing

Four-Letter Words

Something from Michelle Malkin’s latest post disturbs me:

If you have a problem with my work and what I stand for, go ahead and take me on. Keep calling me whatever four-letter-word makes you feel better when you can’t win your arguments. But leave my family alone.

You know, not all four-letter words are bad words.
Folks, what are some nice four-letter words to call Michelle Malki-
Hey, how about nice?
(Pretty is a five-letter word, so that’s reserved for SarahK. Because she’s pretty. And if I didn’t say so, she’d probably put Mister Shiny to the back of my head and paint the walls with my face.)
You know, Nardo has a four-letter word to describe Michelle…

Continue reading ‘Four-Letter Words’ »

Nuking the Moon on a Budget

I would be remiss to not to mention that the Nuke the Moon t-shirts are currently on sale for $9.95 for a limited time. Remember, by not owning a NTM t-shirt, you show your support for Communism!


An IMAO.US post! On the weekend. On Sunday, no less. What bravado! What daring-do!
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