I was visiting Michelle Malkin’s site when I noticed she had listed her recipe for Pumpkin Chocolate Crunch Pie. Hmmm. Crunch.
Anyway, I’m not much of a cook, but I’d thought I’d share a traditional Holiday Meal Recipe with you.
RWD’s Old Family Recipe File: Holiday Water
Ingredients: Water
Directions: Take a pitcher and fill it with water. Make sure the water goes in the pitcher. Put the pitcher on the table or someplace where people can see it.
Recipe Variation: Add Ice.
Another Recipe Variation: Use a clean pitcher.
THis is a special time of year when we gather to celebrate and give thanks for what we have.
Happy Thanksgiving. I hope that you and your family enjoy this very special time together: Or as I call it – Dinner.
Archive of entries posted on 23rd November 2005
Maybe They’re NOT Crazy… Oh, Wait… Yes They Are
(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
So I keep hearing Democrats claiming that Bush lied about the reasons for going to war in Iraq – because he said that he knew that Saddam had WMD.
But then I find out that these same Democrats – or possibly others… I can’t tell, they all look alike to me – were saying that THEY knew that Saddam had WMD.
Maybe they’re crazy.
But then again, maybe there’s another explanation… Let’s see…
- Yes, they said those things a few years ago, but now they have amnesia because they fell down the stairs after fainting when their husband found out that they were pregnant by their ex-husband because they made love while being held prisoner on an island by an international terrorist, but only because they thought they were going to die and they turned to each other for comfort.
- Don’t look at me like that – it happened on Days Of Our Lives.
- Latest talking points memo from the Abilene Kinko’s was in a hard-to-read font – confusion ensued.
- Memo may have sustained water damage from riding in a car with Ted Kennedy.
- Ditto Ted Kennedy’s memory.
- Of course, that might have been the gin.
- Or the Scotch
- Possibly the Sterno
- Clinton’s quotes contain the word “is”, so there’s no way to tell what he really meant.
- They only said those things in the first place because President Bush drove up to their houses with a huge truck full of cash & hookers. Haven’t we ALL had a moment of weakness?
- What the Democrats said doesn’t count because they had their fingers crossed.
- They didn’t say “Saddam has WMD”, they said “Saddam has WMB”, as in “Saddam has Wondrous Man Booty”.
- Democrats are hypocritical weasels who will do or say ANYTHING to regain political power, regardless of any negative repercussions on the troops in the field.
Eh. I’m sure ONE of those is the right answer.
Drunk Saudi Arabian Q&A
Q: Why was a Saudi Arabian sentenced by a Massachusetts court to only one year in a bed and breakfast prison on Martha’s Vineyard for killing someone with his car while drunk?
Amazing Beliefs Part 1
I’ve been quite busy lately, and now with Thanksgiving and the wedding coming, I have little time to blog. So, to have some content, I thought I’d share this piece about people’s beliefs on guns from author Michael Z. Williamson which I found to be pretty good. It’s long, so I’ll put it up in parts.
Williamson, BTW, was the one who introduced me to a writing group which helped turn my serious fiction writing skills from “abhorrent” to “tolerable”… leading me on the path to one day being “publishable.” Also, he’s sending me a copy of The Weapon, his first solo effort published in hardcover, and I like free stuff.
This Is Serious, People
I know everyone is laughing about the X over Cheney’s face on CNN, but I hope you understand how these things work. First, they put X’s over our faces, next they’re rounding us up into concentration camps. These are scary times, people. If you see a liberal, make sure you have a shotgun on you to scare him off (shotguns ward off liberals same as garlic does vampires).
The tagline is one-thirds untrue in my case
I am not unmedicated. I take Vytorin for my cholesterol.
Of course, when I “go off of my meds” I’m prone to heart attacks, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems and not, say, walking into a Stuckey’s and slashing everyone with a machette.
(Sorry, spacemonkey, but that was just burning a hole in my gut and had to get out before it reached my spine.)
Bombing Leaflets
What the Zionist Media aren’t telling you about the leaflet-bombing runs over Beirut today is that on the back of the leaflets they had a coupon for 25% off of Harry’s House Of Matzoh…
Israel Air Force warplanes dropped thousands of leaflets denouncing Hezbollah guerrillas over the Lebanese capital of Beirut and its suburbs early Wednesday, two days after some of the worst border clashes in southern Lebanon in several years.
Lebanese security officials said the roar of jets was heard over the city before dawn after which thousands of leaflets were dropped.
“To the Lebanese citizens, who protects Lebanon?” read the small paper leaflet written in Arabic. “Who is lying to you? Who is sending your children to a battle they are not ready for? Who wishes the return of the destruction? Who is the tool in the hand of his Syrian and Iranian masters?”
Then in bold letters, it said: “Hezbollah is causing enormous harm to Lebanon,” adding that Israel was determined to protect its citizens.
The note was signed “The State of Israel.”
If I were to do a propaganda bombing run, I’d drop strips of paper with a peel-off adhesive strip on one end. Then, I’d print “GIVE THIS STIP A HALF-TWIST, TAPE THE ENDS TOGETHER, AND ASK YOURSELF HOW MANY SIDES IT HAS.”