There’s probably few out there who have missed the photo of the big black X CNN put on Cheney’s face the other day.
I’m sure there is a logical reason for it, computer bug?, nah. There seems to be even less to it than that. CNN production executives were just playing around. Goofing off.
I’ll show you.
See? An ‘X’ and ‘O’! These two monitors demonstrate the CNN people were probably simply playing a harmless game of Tic Tac Toe on a big monitor board. They forgot they were using the “live” monitor. See the “live monitor” sign?
I’ll back way up so’s I can show the rest of the board.
Archive of entries posted on 22nd November 2005
A Story That Deserves More Coverage
Blonde Sagacity has posted a story that I feel is worthy of attention.
What would you do if you came back from serving in Iraq and found out your daughter had been abused – and died?
What did protective services know?
Plus another story of a dad who tried to do the right thing.
Q; Did you know that Pajamasmedia is also planning on branching out to Usenet?
Thinking about X…
During a recent speech by Vice President Dick Cheney, and broadcast by CNN, we witnessed a brief graphic of an X displayed across the Vice President’s face. We now have the official CNN excuse:
It was a computer bug.
Is that the best they could do? My gosh – I guess every department at CNN has just quit trying. As always, IMAO is here to help with a list of excuses just ready to use at a moment’s notice.
Top Ten Excuses CNN Could Have Offered For Putting an “X” graphic over VP Dick Cheney’s Face During a Speech:
#10. Man’s loaded right? X marks the spot.
#9. We have a new Rating system — and we were anticipating a wardrobe malfunction.
#8. X is the letter of the day!
#7 We would have used “t” but thought people might mistake it for a crucifix.
#6. In fairness — Democrat strategy is drawn out with the letter “O”.
#5. Well, it wasn’t an “X” — it was a kiss.
#4. We would have put up three “x”s but thought people might think him a secret agent.
#3. After investigating, we discovered the people in the control room were playing a drinking game.
#2. Sorry, the producer used to work on Family Feud.
And the #1 excuse for putting an X over Dick Cheney’s Face During a Speech is…
#1. We would have used a graphic of a pig – but felt it would offend Muslims.
See? Making cheap excuses can be educational!
SomeXtimes therexs just no reasxn to tx stxck a bxnch xf X’s everywhere.
Grwx Xp people!!
You choose the name
Around We Go
I am no longer a member of OSM.
I am now a member of Pajamas Media again.
I’m still not sure what I’m supposed to do – if anything – but I will be demanding that check when the time comes round.